Chapter 123

But Dongfang Yu was obviously a little uncomfortable when he was stunned. After coughing lightly, he tried to calm down and said: "Your Aunt Long, she is not here now, she lives next door to our house, if Xiaoxi wants to see her Let my brother take you there later."

Not here now?That means he comes often?Thinking of this, Dongfang Tongxi ignored Dongfang Yi's extremely ugly face that stated "I'm very upset", and continued to ask: "Does Aunt Long come here often? Tonger wants to see him."

Dongfang Yu seemed to be very scrupulous about Dongfang Yi's anger. Seeing this, he just nodded hurriedly at Dongfang Tongxi and changed the subject: "Ah, let's not talk about this, let Shaojie take Xiaoxi to the mansion to have a good time." Turn around."

After finishing speaking, Dongfang Yu winked at Dongfang Shaojie who was stunned aside.

Dongfang Shaojie was very clear about the entanglement between Dongfang Yu and Long Die'er, so he hurried to Dongfang Tongxi, took her hand, said hello to Dongfang Yi and Dongfang Yu, and then dragged her away in a hurry.

Although only a few questions were asked, the information implied in it was enough for Dongfang Tongxi to confirm Yezhong's conjecture.

You can still not provoke suspicion from anyone in the Dongfang family after poisoning, Long Die'er, your methods are really powerful.She is also worthy of being the last headed mistress of the Yewang Mansion.


Hmph, she, Dongfang Tongxi, has already said that she is very selfish, there are not many people in this world she wants to protect, and in order to make herself and the people she cares about not feel sad, she can Doesn't mind upsetting people she doesn't care about.

As for Long Die'er, she is not among the people I care about.

Although she is Ye Feitian's biological mother, Ye Feitian has no feelings for her anymore, so even if she really kills Long Die'er then, Ye Feitian probably won't blame her!

So, she better hope she finds the mastermind behind poisoning Dongfang Yan through her.

Otherwise...even she herself can't guarantee what she will do.

The only thing that is certain is that if Dongfang Tongxi is offended, she will definitely make the person who offended her feel a hundred times, a thousand times, a thousand times more sad than her! !


It was night, and the clear sky gradually rose to a bright moon.

Because it was late at night, the bustling and bustling clothes of the day had faded away, and the huge Dongfang House seemed very empty and deep.

Counting the time, Dongfang Tongxi changed into night clothes and jumped out of the tall wall of Dongfang's house, and the destination was the residence of Long Die'er, who was only separated from Dongfang's house by a wall.

Dongfang Tongxi jumped down easily, and landed lightly in Long Die'er's yard.

In terms of area alone, the small courtyard where Long Die'er lives in may not be as big as a garden in the Ye Wang Mansion, or in the Dongfang family.

However, if someone is fooled by this superficial phenomenon and underestimates the enemy, hum, then they really don't even know how to die.

Dongfang Tongxi neatly bypassed a hidden pile and jumped over a hidden trap. Finally, she couldn't help the impatience in her heart. She took out a pack of medicine powder from her bosom, picked out a little bit of it with her fingernails, and followed the slight night light. With a slight blow of the wind, the powder quickly dissipated in the night sky.

About ten seconds later, Dongfang Tongxi heard a few muffled sounds of heavy objects falling to the ground.A smug smile appeared on her face covered under the black cloth...

(End of this chapter)

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