Chapter 132 The Peerless Stunner
"How could it be? I came here with a business to do. I thought you would like these beautiful sisters, so I stayed here for so long. I didn't expect you to wrong me!" Dongfang Tongxi blinked slightly. His lower eyes, with misty eyes, looked at Leng Lin and Leng Lie very aggrieved.

"Miss Tong..." Leng Lin and Leng Lie helplessly looked at the child who was pretending to be pitiful, and their tone softened under the innocent eyes.

Dongfang Tongxi has the ability to make people who know that she is pretending to be wronged can't see her being wronged that doesn't exist, just like the two of them, after being falsely accused of having sex, they still can't help but feel sorry for her. He is the culprit.

Having achieved the effect that satisfied Dongfang Tongxi, she put away the pitiful look on her face in a blink of an eye, and said with a giggle: "Okay, I won't tease you, of course I have a serious business to ask you to come here today."

Hearing Dongfang Tongxi's words, the two of them immediately listened attentively, waiting for Dongfang Tongxi's next words.

This time, Dongfang Tongxi said bluntly: "Don't you all admire those celebrities in the world? You are here today to let you know how big the difference between reality and ideal is!"

After finishing speaking, Dongfang Tongxi didn't care about their reactions and went straight to the fourth floor of Tianxiang Building which was not open to the public.

Since she was able to agree to the two of them coming to the capital with her, she never thought about hiding anything from them, after all, their performance was completely worthy of her trust.

Leng Lin and Leng Lie, who were following behind Dongfang Tongxi, looked at each other suspiciously, shook their heads in puzzlement, and then followed quickly.

Going up to the fourth floor, Dongfang Tongxi didn't even knock on the door, just pushed the open door and walked in.And Leng Lin and Leng Lie protected Dongfang Tongxi behind the moment she pushed the door open, as if they were afraid that there would be someone or something in the room that would put her in danger.

"I said, what are you guys doing so nervous? Could it be that I'm going to some dangerous place?" Dongfang Tongxi stretched out her hand and pushed away the two ice blocks in front of her, amused.

Maybe Dongfang Tongxi's words had an effect, Leng Lin and Leng Lie obediently stepped aside after hesitating for a while.

There was no one in the room, Dongfang Tongxi took a few steps forward, sat down on the side of the room, called Leng Lin and Leng Lie to sit down, and then poured himself a cup of tea more casually than the host.

After taking a sip of hot tea, there was a rush of footsteps outside the door.

Dongfang Tongxi waved her hand to signal Leng Lin and Leng Lie not to be nervous, she took another sip of tea in her spare time, and when the footsteps stopped in front of her, she looked at this person from the bottom up.

The first thing Dongfang Tongxi saw was a pair of shoes, no, it should be a pair of feet wearing shoes.Looking up, a man in a bright red robe glared at Dongfang Tongxi after a moment of surprise.

Although it doesn't look like much, this is indeed a man who is about 24-[-].

Upon closer inspection, this person has a face so beautiful that it can be said to be beautiful, with delicate willow-leaf eyebrows, beautiful eyes full of autumn water, and that small cherry mouth, which makes people sigh secretly: This is really a man. A peerless stunner!
At this time, the beauty's face was flushed with anger, which added a bit of charm to him who was already so beautiful.

Of course, Dongfang Tongxi felt that it would be better if he didn't stare at her so viciously.

(End of this chapter)

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