Chapter 137 The Beautiful Man in Red
handsome man in red
After a long while, Leng Lin and Leng Lie retracted their surprise and looked at each other with doubts in their eyes, and... the admiration that Dongfang Tongxi couldn't understand?Hmm, sometimes she really can't understand their thoughts.

"Okay, now that the matter is settled, it's time for us to go back and detoxify our mother." Dongfang Tongxi stood up and stretched.

The sooner this happens, the better.

Just when Dongfang Tongxi was about to return to Dongfang's house with Leng Lin and Leng Lie, a slight groan suddenly came from inside.

Dongfang Tongxi raised her eyebrows, only then did she realize that she had completely forgotten about the handsome man who broke into here just now, which really shouldn't be.

Dongfang Tongxi lifted her lips and chuckled, and looked inside, where a red robe was slowly revealing...

"Hey, where is this place?" The beautiful man woke up from his lethargy and looked at the delicate curtain above his head. Is this the one who strayed into the fairyland by mistake?
This was the first thought that came to the mind of the handsome man in red.

Then, what happened before became clear in his mind one by one.

The handsome man in red jumped up from his chest very quickly, lowered his head and looked at himself with a mentality of preparing to accept the worst result, and then the expression on his face mixed with resentment, helplessness, humiliation and many other emotions suddenly changed. into astonishment.

Not really daring to believe that he was still intact and hadn't been bullied by the pervert in his heart at all, so he stretched out his hand and touched his body around, and later had to believe in this unexpected surprise.

It's just that it's not that he wants to be insulted by that pervert, but that if it's what others said, then it's impossible for that person to just let him go, why this time...

For some reason, the handsome man in red always felt something was wrong in his heart, but for a while he couldn't figure out what was wrong.

"Oh, forget it if you can't figure it out, the most important thing to do now is..." The handsome man in red lightly tapped his forehead with a finger that was crystal clear like jade: "By the way, that little pervert!"

The handsome man in red suddenly thought of his purpose of coming here and the culprit of why he was lying here. He stood up swiftly, sorted out his clothes that were wrinkled from lying down, and then seemed to want to Walking out lightly as if scouting the enemy's situation.

However, he soon realized that this was nothing more than an unnecessary move...

"Woke up so soon? It's really surprising." Before the handsome man in red stepped into the hall, he heard a voice that left a deep impression on him.And at this time, there was obvious banter in the voice: "How are you, are you okay?"

After all, Dongfang Tongxi was already looking at the handsome man in red with a smile on his face.

Hmph, I don't even think about whose fault it might be that he has something bad!

The handsome man in red gave a cold snort at Dongfang Tongxi's fake concern.Realizing that his reaction was a bit like fighting against others, he coughed uncomfortably: "What do you want?"

What does she want?Dongfang Tongxi frowned in distress, this is really an interesting question.

Just when Dongfang Tongxi was about to answer, a person who was as unexpected as the beauty in red appeared on the fourth floor where outsiders were usually not allowed in...

(End of this chapter)

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