Chapter 144 Medicine

Capital City, Dongfangfu
Dongfang Tongxi sat in front of Dongfang Yan's bed, looked at Dongfang Yan who was still sleeping, and couldn't help tightening the porcelain bottle in his hand.

"Miss, you are here so early." A young voice came from behind.Dongfang Tongxi had heard this voice before, she was Dongfang Yan's personal maid Lu Yin.

Dongfang Tongxi turned around and saw that Lu Yin was holding a bowl of medicine in her hand, looking at the mother-in-law, and said: "The servant is here to deliver the medicine to the young lady, I didn't expect the young lady to come so early."

medicine?This is a great opportunity!

Dongfang Tongxi stood up and walked over, said: "Mother is not awake yet, so give me this medicine. I will remind her to drink when mother wakes up. You should go down and get busy first."

After finishing speaking, Dongfang Tongxi stretched out her hand and took the tray in Lu Yin's hand with a gesture that could not be refused.

Seeing that Dongfang Tongxi didn't seem to discuss it, Lu Yin had no choice but to put down the tray and let her do it.

"The servant girl will go down first." After Lu Yin saluted, she turned and walked out of the door and closed the door gently.

Picking up the bowl of medicine, Dongfang Tongxi poured out a blood-colored pill the size of a cherry from the porcelain bottle in her hand and put it into the medicine...

"Xiao Xi, what are you doing?" The sudden voice made Dongfang Tongxi tremble uncontrollably, and the bowl of medicine in his hand was almost knocked over.

"Brother?" Dongfang Tongxi turned around slightly annoyed, it turned out to be Dongfang Shaojie.

At this time, Dongfang Shaojie was standing about one meter behind Dongfang Tongxi, looking at the bowl of medicine in her hand.

Damn it, without noticing for a while, Dongfang Shaojie didn't even notice that he was so close to her. He, he must have seen something, right?

However, when Dongfang Tongxi was guessing, Dongfang Shaojie turned his eyes away as if nothing had happened, looked at her and smiled and said: "Xiaoxi came to see aunt so early, no wonder I didn't see you when I went to your room to look for you. "

"Brother, do you have anything to do with me?" Dongfang Tongxi was talking, while observing every subtle expression of Dongfang Shaojie.

Dongfang Shaojie smiled gently and said: "It's nothing, I just want to ask you if you're used to it these days."

Judging by his appearance, he doesn't seem to see anything, right?

Dongfang Tongxi thought suspiciously, and said, "This place is very good, thank you for your concern."

"That's good!" Dongfang Shaojie said, his eyes turned to the medicine bowl in Dongfang Tongxi's hand, and he said casually: "This is the medicine for aunt?"

"Oh hehe..." Dongfang Tongxi subconsciously placed the medicine bowl in his hand where he couldn't see it, and then said, "Yes, just now Lu Yin brought the medicine. I saw that my mother hadn't woken up yet and asked her to leave the medicine in the Wait until mother wakes up here before drinking."

Damn it, how could he appear here at this time!

"That's it..." Dongfang Shaojie was about to say something, but he heard a slight groan from the chest.

They looked back at the same time, and it turned out that Dongfang Yan had woken up and was blinking slightly at this moment.

After waking up from the mist at the beginning, Dongfang Yan's eyes returned to clarity, seeing Dongfang Tongxi and Dongfang Shaojie standing beside the bed, her eyes suddenly burst into light of surprise.Then it turned into overflowing surprise, and said, "Xiao Xi, you're here so early?"

Dongfang Tongxi put Dongfang Shaojie behind her, nodded to Dongfang Yan and said, "Tong'er, let's see if mother is better. By the way, mother should drink medicine."


(End of this chapter)

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