The little black-bellied princess: the bewitching demon pupil

Chapter 157 I Didn't Expect It To Be You

Chapter 157 I Didn't Expect It To Be You

Seeing Dongfang Tongxi coming out of it intact, both Leng Lin and Leng Lie breathed a sigh of relief, "Miss Tong, this is..."

"Here, that's where the very interesting Wen Lie lives!" Dongfang Tongxi only needs to remember that when he first met Lan Xian in Tianxiang Tower, Lan Xian actually mistook her for being smart, cute, unparalleled in the sky and unparalleled in the earth. Thinking that it was this notorious Wen Lie, she couldn't help but feel resentment towards Wen Lie who only heard about his name but never met him.

Therefore, when he came to the Prime Minister's Mansion this time, of course he had to give him some small gifts that would make him restless.

Then again, "Yin" is really easy to use, even the traps in Wen Lie's residence are checked and the score is not bad. It seems that in the future, if you want to steal this or touch that or something, you will need to use it more and more. .

Dongfang Tongxi thought, if Nie Wushang knew that she was going to use the intelligence organization established by his father to do these things, no matter how much he respected her, he might have the urge to strangle her, right?

Thinking of Nie Wushang's possible reaction, Dongfang Tongxi couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth slightly.

Now that Wen Lie has already dealt with this, the next thing they are going to go to is the old fox Leng Mingjue who is the main purpose of coming here today.

Following the route found out by "Yin", Dongfang Tongxi brought Leng Lin and Leng Lie all the way to Leng Mingjue's residence.

Unexpectedly, at this time, the lights were still on inside.Come to think of it, Leng Mingjue is still dealing with official business, so it seems that his reputation of being honest and upright didn't just come out of thin air.

Anyway, what Dongfang Tongxi has to do today is to have a showdown with Leng Mingjue. It would be better if he hasn't slept yet, and it saves her the trouble of waking him up.Thinking of this, Dongfang Tongxi simply swaggered, made no secret and even deliberately made noises to attract the attention of the old fox Leng, and walked outside the door.

"I don't know where an expert came to the humble house. The old man is disappointed, please forgive me for being rude!" A very plain, but indescribably calm and calm voice came from inside the door. Needless to say, this came out The owner of the voice must be Leng Mingjue known as the old fox.

He is already so polite, if Dongfang Tongxi is not generous, it seems that she has no manners.

"Grandpa Leng was joking. Tong'er just felt uneasy because he hadn't visited Grandpa Leng in the capital for so long, so he came to see if Grandpa Leng was asleep at this time." Dongfang Tongxi said, After a pause, he said again: "Tong'er is naturally not considered an expert. A real expert is probably the kind that even if he wants to kill a person who has no reason to kill, he will do it well." The one who makes anyone suspicious."

While Dongfang Tongxi was speaking, Shi Shiran pushed open the door, and then looked at Leng Mingjue who was sitting at a desk.

Leng Mingjue is about the same age as Dongfang Yi, around fifty.However, he was a little weaker than Dongfang Yi in terms of might, and a little stronger in elegance.

From his completely restrained eyes, it can be seen that this person is definitely a more difficult character to deal with than Dongfang Yi.

The moment he saw Dongfang Tongxi, a trace of astonishment flashed across Leng Mingjue's eyes.However, it was immediately hidden by him.

Leng Mingjue glanced at Dongfang Tongxi lightly, but had already sized her up from top to bottom, from left to right.He only heard him say indifferently: "Dongfang Tongxi?"

"That's right, hello Grandpa Leng, please give me your advice when we meet for the first time." Dongfang Tongxi smiled at him.

Leng Mingjue shook his head emotionally and said, "From the day I made my decision, I had expected that someone from the Dongfang family would come to my door one day, but what I never expected was the person who came It's you……"

(End of this chapter)

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