Chapter 173
Following the high-pitched "Marshal Dongfang has arrived" from the eunuch who received him, even the non-protagonist Dongfang Tongxi could clearly feel that the eyes of many people in the imperial garden were focused on the four of them at this moment .

If eyes can really kill, I'm afraid the four of them already have a lot of piercing holes in their bodies, right? (Actually, the reason why Dongfang Tongxi has such a strong feeling is because most of those eyes are looking at her! As for her thinking that they are looking at the other three people, can only explain He's just unconscious).

Dongfang Yi and Dongfang Yu are worthy of being the most popular figures in Lingguo. As soon as they walked over, a large group of people immediately surrounded them.

Seeing that it was impossible to stay by Dongfang Tongxi's side anymore, Dongfang Yi looked around and said: "It's still early, the emperor will not come here for another hour, Shaojie, take Xiaoxi around now , and bring her back in half an hour."

Dongfang Yi asked Dongfang Shaojie to take Dongfang Tongxi to the palace for a walk. His intention of asking Dongfang Shaojie to take her out was probably to prevent her from being given by those who wanted to find out from her. have eaten.

Probably from their point of view, although Dongfang Tongxi would still encounter the same problem after the banquet officially started, it was always better to be later than earlier.If you can delay it for a while, it counts as a moment!

Only when they encountered something about Dongfang Tongxi, would they change their previous tough style and show this somewhat evasive approach.

Dongfang Shaojie nodded at Dongfang Yi and Dongfang Yu, tightened his hand that had not been let go, and led Dongfang Tongxi out.

What I have to say is that this imperial palace really deserves to be the number one building in the world.It's really not that big!
If it weren't for Dongfang Tongxi's extraordinary memory, I'm afraid that without Dongfang Shaojie by her side, she would never be able to find her way back after wandering here.

People have three urgencies, this is absolutely true!Wandering around, Dongfang Shaojie suddenly looked around with a strange expression on his face, and then, facing a direction, he showed a joyful smile as if a soldier who had fallen behind had found an organization, and said to Dongfang Tongxi: "Xiao Xi, brother is a bit nervous now. There is something to do, you wait for me here first. By the way, you must wait for me here, don't go away!"

Probably because he was very worried about Dongfang Tongxi, after he walked two steps, he suddenly turned around and told her.After Dongfang Tongxi secretly rolled his eyes and nodded, he left in peace.

Waiting for people is indeed a very boring thing. After Dongfang Shaojie left, Dongfang Tongxi looked around while waiting for him.

This is probably a garden or something, right?But the place is clearly out of the way.

Just to the left of Dongfang Tongxi, she saw a dilapidated house with the door almost covered by weeds.I really didn't expect that there was such a place in the palace that was comparable to a slum.

Thinking of this, Dongfang Tongxi couldn't help but think of the thin little boy he saw in the carriage not long after entering the palace.It seems that even in the palace where the emperor lives, there is a gap between the rich and the poor.

Waiting and waiting, Dongfang Shaojie didn't come back. Dongfang Tongxi was half curious, half wanting to pass the boring time, so he raised his legs and walked towards the dilapidated house...

(End of this chapter)

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