The little black-bellied princess: the bewitching demon pupil

Chapter 182 Why are you staring at Tonger all the time?

Chapter 182 Why Do You Keep Staring at Tonger?

"'s okay!" Ying Tian smiled gently, looked at Dongfang Tongxi, and said, "Tong'er is so innocent and cute, I can't even like her in time, so how can I blame her? You have to thank Tong'er well! If it wasn't for him, maybe you Ai Qing would not be able to see me now."

When the ministers heard this, their faces changed drastically.

At this moment, Ying Tiansuo turned his gaze to Wen Tai, and said: "Guo Zhang, you know this matter best, tell me, should I thank Tong Er?"

As soon as Ying Tian's words came out, the officials below couldn't help being in an uproar.

Judging from the emperor's tone, it was obvious that someone had assassinated the emperor recently, but in the end they failed because of the young lady from the Dongfang family.

While scolding the assassin for his audacity, everyone couldn't help being surprised: the emperor would not lie, so the meaning of his words was very intriguing.

Leaving aside that the little lady of the Dongfang family is only an eight-year-old girl, what role can she play in this assassination?
Just the emperor's sentence "Wen Guozhang knows best" can already bring a lot of associations to people.

Thinking of this, the already treacherous atmosphere in the imperial garden added a bit of chill, and the suspicious eyes of all the officials turned to Wen Tai, who was sitting in the first seat on the lower left of the emperor.

After hearing Ying Tian's words, Dongfang Tongxi fixed her eyes on Wen Tai's extremely ugly face.

While applauding secretly, she couldn't help scolding Ying Tian for being cunning.

This Yingtian is really old and cunning. He not only told Wentai with an understatement that the reason why the last assassination failed was because of Dongfang Tongxi, which provoked the relationship between the Dongfang family and the Wen family. Wen Tai sounded the alarm.

Dongfang Tongxi glanced at Wentai's ferocious eyes that wanted to kill her, she snorted coldly in her heart, and at the same time couldn't help but want to add more fuel to the current fire.

Dongfang Tongxi smiled sinisterly in his heart, shrunk his body a little exaggeratedly, raised his head timidly, looked at Wen Tai, then at Ying Tian, ​​and said timidly to Tian: "Uncle Ying, why is that Grandpa Wen always Staring at Tong'er? Did Tong'er make Grandpa Wen angry? But Tong'er saw Grandpa Wen for the first time today."

Wen Tai didn't expect Dongfang Tongxi to say such a sentence at all, and he had to withdraw his vicious gaze in a hurry in shock.

However, who can sit here at this time is a fuel-efficient lamp?They naturally saw the situation just now in their eyes.Based on what His Majesty Cai and Dongfang Tongxi said just now, many people guessed the approximate cause of the incident in their hearts.

Although they are not sure whether their guess is correct, but this also makes the officials start to have some doubts about Wen Tai...

After all, in their eyes, Dongfang Tongxi was just a naive child, a child, of course she wouldn't lie, not to mention that what she just said was true.

After receiving so many suspicious eyes, even Wen Tai, who believed that Yingtian would not really do anything to him, couldn't help feeling a little anxious.

I saw him get up and kneel down in fear and trepidation, while weeping and crying: "Your majesty, I have been wronged. Even if I have the courage, I dare not murder the emperor. Your majesty, you have to decide for the old minister..."

(End of this chapter)

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