Chapter 191
Some people in the Wenfu who were unclear about the situation followed his hand and saw that at some point, a dozen masked men in black came.And the reason why they staged such a show, could it be because of internal strife?
Later, the leader of the men in black looked at the man in black who was lying on the ground not far from death, as if he didn't want him to rest in peace after death, he said with some pity: "It's only blame, you know It’s too much, and our master just doesn’t want too many people to know about it! Therefore, it’s safer for you to die.”

What he said is an understatement, even the secret guards of the Wen family who are always licking blood from the knife edge can't help but feel a chill in their hearts.

"Then, what about my people?" asked the dying man in black.

"Don't worry, they are all waiting in hell to serve you again." After saying this, the man in black seemed impatient and flicked his fingers, and the man in black closed his mouth forever. Eye.

"Now, it's your turn..." Later, the man in black glanced at the hidden guards of the Wen family with his piercing eyes, and gave a murderous order when the guards felt their hearts palpitate.

"I will kill everyone except Wentai!" the man in black ordered coldly.

As soon as the word "kill" landed, a dozen or so men in black behind him immediately rushed towards the hidden guards of the Wen family who outnumbered them by two or three times.

If at the beginning, some people thought that these people were overreaching if they wanted to use a dozen people to defeat the many literary guards who were more powerful than them and all of them were highly skilled in martial arts, then these men in black were killed after only ten moves After a hidden guard who underestimated the enemy, no one dared to underestimate them anymore.

All of a sudden, the fiercer battle broke out again than before.

It wasn't until they fought against these unknown men in black that the hidden guards of the Wen family realized how terrifying their strength was.

Even with the strength they gained from wandering on the verge of life and death for so many years, in front of these men in black, at most, it only caused them some trouble.

However, which killer organization has so many killers who are so powerful?Not to mention the "raging flames" who are not even first-class, who are they?

However, no one answered their questions, and they had no choice but to take these questions to the hell that no one wanted to go to.

After a while, many remaining dark guards fell lifelessly on the cold ground.Only Wen Tai, who was nominated by the leader of the man in black, and Wen Fu, who had been protecting Wen Tai, were left alive in the Wen family.

Although heartbroken by the fact that Wen Family's hidden guards were killed and injured tonight, Wen Fu always remembered that his first task was to protect Wen Tai from harm.

He is really loyal, but, as a member of the Wen family, he is destined to end up in the same fate as those hidden guards tonight!
"Ah Fu..." Wen Tai, who had been guarded by Wen Fu all this time, suddenly called out at this moment.

The strange thing is, even though the situation in front of him has become so severe, there is still no trace of anxiety in Wen Tai's tone.Is it because his Qi-nourishing Kung Fu has really reached the point of perfection, or is it because of some other reason?
"Master, you can leave quickly, this old slave will cut off the queen for you..." Before he could finish speaking, Wen Fu had already sensed that something was wrong.He turned around suspiciously, and wanted to say something more, but was unexpectedly pierced through the lower abdomen by Wen Tai, who he had been protecting all along...

(End of this chapter)

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