Chapter 193 Conversation 1
After everyone left, Xie Laosan couldn't help thinking of the conversation he had with Dongfang Tongxi when he first arrived in the capital.

At that time, after hearing Dongfang Tongxi's plan, Xie Lao San looked at her with a puzzled expression.

"Why, you don't understand why you did this?" At that time, Dongfang Tongxi looked at him with a smile on his face and asked.

"This subordinate is stupid!" Xie Laosan did not deny that he did not understand why Dongfang Tongxi did that.I just went on to raise my own question: "If you just want to destroy the secret guards of the Wen family, you can just have our 'demon pupils', why do you have to work for Mr. Xin to pretend to be Wen Tai, and spend unnecessary money to entrust the company to do it?" A 'flame' that isn't even considered first-rate? And tell that Master Chi Yan your identity?"

That's right, all this made Xie Laosan feel puzzled.

Dongfang Tongxi smiled and said: "It seems that although you are smart, you are not very good at using tricks and tricks."

Dongfang Tongxi's words made Xie Laosan feel ashamed for a while, yes, if compared with Dongfang Tongxi, he is indeed ashamed.

At this moment, Dongfang Tongxi continued: "Have you ever thought that although 'Lie Yan' is not even a first-class killer organization, it is the only killer organization near the capital. As for telling Chi Yan What about my identity, that's just to increase Chi Yan's confidence in this operation."

Listening to Dongfang Tongxi's words, Xie Lao San couldn't help but nodded secretly.

Seeing this, Dongfang Tongxi went on to say: "The Wen family has ruled the capital for so long, it's not something this little 'Lie Yan' can do. If so, then, he will no doubt think that this is a good opportunity for development. Besides, isn't our 'Demon Eye' going to settle in the capital, and take this opportunity to let the people of 'Lie Yan' and the hidden guards of the Wen family fight each other, and when the time comes? Let's reap the benefits and destroy the Wen Family and Lie Yan in one fell swoop! Wouldn't it be better to not lose a single soldier than to let our people work hard?"

At that time, Xie Laosan saw Dongfang Tongxi's unchanged smile, and couldn't help shivering for some reason.From the looks of it, he seemed to be following a very terrifying master!
This action can not only destroy the backbone of the Wen family and destroy the 'flame', but also remove stumbling blocks for the 'demon pupils' who are about to enter the capital.But the most important thing is that such an action with such a big harvest didn't even hurt a single soldier on the side!

While Xie Laosan was thankful that he was not Dongfang Tongxi's enemy, he couldn't help but pray for those who didn't have eyes and were Dongfang Tongxi's enemy.

"But Miss Tong, since we want to attack the Wen family, why don't we assassinate those who are currently in high positions in the Wen family on their way back? Instead, take advantage of the absence of Wen Tai and the Wen family's high-ranking people in the court. How about those young members who don't see any importance now?"

"Hehe..." Dongfang Tongxi chuckled, as if thinking of something very happy, and said: "Although the Wen family has Wen Tai and many high-ranking figures in the court, they all have a What they have in common is that they are already old. There is nothing to be afraid of these old-fashioned people, and they will be left to the grandfather who has been depressed for many years and the old fox grandfather of the Leng family. I believe they will greet them well."

(End of this chapter)

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