Chapter 65

Hearing this, Qianjizi spoke with a serious face, then raised his head slightly and recalled the distant past: "There are three countries in this continent, namely Ling, Jing and Yi. Among them, Yi is weaker and Ling Guo and Jingguo are evenly matched. But because Lingguo and Jingguo have been enemies for generations, and they have always kept each other in check, so there is no time for other things, so even though there are occasional frictions, the whole continent can be regarded as peaceful."

As Qianjizi said, he paused, and then continued: "However, over the past few generations, the accumulated grievances between the two countries have become deeper and deeper, and in recent years there will be a small-scale war every few years. If things continue like this, it won't take many years before the flames of war will spread from Ling and Jing to the entire continent. By then, there will be rivers of blood and people will die."

Speaking of this, Qian Jizi's face showed utter compassion and intolerance.

Dongfang Tongxi looked at Qianjizi and sighed inwardly.

At this moment, Qianjizi swept away the decline again, stared closely at Dongfang Tongxi and said excitedly: "But in the hexagram I calculated for the world ten years ago, I saw hope. Alien stars descended from the sky, many People's horoscopes will change because of this, and at the same time, it will also plant variables for the continent that will soon be full of wars and disputes. The alien star that can affect the world, that is, you, is called the decider by us."

It cannot be denied that Qian Jizi's words greatly shocked Dongfang Tongxi.

He actually figured out her origin, and it was ten years ago!

However, the shock was the shock, and Dongfang Tongxi still didn't take it seriously for what Qian Jizi did.

"Just because of your hexagram, you have been waiting here for ten years? You don't have a fever, do you? Well, even if I am the one who decides, what do you want to do now that you see me? Tell me this?" Dongfang Tongxi looked at Qianjizi and said.

Qianjizi didn't expect Dongfang Tongxi's reaction to be like this, and stared at her for a long time like a fool.

It wasn't until Dongfang Tongxi was about to feel impatient that he sighed softly: "I just want to ask you, when you have the ability to change the situation in the world in the future, you can think more of the people of Li Ming in the world."

"You are really merciful, you have spared ten years for such a sentence." Dongfang Tongxi sneered, and suddenly his face darkened and turned into a cold snort: "However, what does Li Ming have to do with me, and what has the common people to do with me?" What? Why should I think about them?"

Qian Jizi's complexion changed drastically when he heard the words, the previous blandness and detachment disappeared in an instant, replaced by a majestic face that made people's legs go weak at first glance.

In the whole room, because of his powerful airflow, strong gusts of wind agitated, blowing Dongfang Tongxi's clothes flapping, and the room that was already full of dust became even more visible because of this. decline.

Dongfang Tongxi thought to himself: It seems that Qianjizi is trying to force her with strong means?
However, she, Dongfang Tongxi, has always been the only one who threatens others, how can there be any reason for others to threaten her in turn?
Dongfang Tongxi stomped her feet heavily, forcing the dust within a radius of one meter around her to move back.

She stood on the spot and said unhurriedly: "Qianjizi, you are quite angry. However, if you don't stop, this is what you call 'variables in the mainland'. Maybe it will be in your anger. Get hurt, and then accidentally forget your words..."

Before Dongfang Tongxi finished speaking, the dust flying in the room subsided ten times faster than words and teachings...

(End of this chapter)

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