Chapter 9
Walking up to the man in white, Dongfang Tongxi raised her head and said with a smile: "Brother, we want to go to the Black Street but don't know how to get there. You must know where the Black Street is and are willing to take us there. right?"

Bing Lin and Bing Lie were startled, they quickly stepped forward to protect Dongfang Tongxi behind their backs, pressed their right hands on the weapon at their waist, stared at the man in white cautiously, and were ready to kill him anytime he made any changes.

"Hehe, you guys are too nervous, Big Bing and Little Bing!" Dongfang Tongxi pushed them away and stepped forward, waving his hands to signal them not to be so nervous: "Big Brother will definitely not hurt Tonger, right?"

After speaking, Dongfang Tongxi winked at him very cutely.

The man in white has turned from surprise and guard to calm at this time. He looked down at Dongfang Tongxi, and finally smiled slightly: "Is your name Tong'er? It's so cute. Of course, such a cute kid brother is reluctant to hurt him. But, Tong How did my son know that my brother knew where the Black Street was?"

Knowing that he would ask this question a long time ago, Dongfang Tongxi raised his head slightly and said innocently: "Because big brother looks very knowledgeable, of course he will know."

The man in white couldn't help laughing: "Since Tong'er has said so, if brother says he doesn't know, wouldn't he be uneducated? Let's go."

Dongfang Tongxi took two steps forward, took the initiative to hold the hand of the man in white, and took advantage of the situation to stroke his palm a few times.

The man in white was shocked, and turned his head to look at Dongfang Tongxi in shock.

Dongfang Tongxi returned him a mysterious smile, tightened his right hand and said cheerfully: "Then ask big brother to lead the way, maybe you can clear up your doubts when you reach the Black Street."

The white-clothed man changed from his previous gentleness and calmness, and walked forward holding Dongfang Tongxi's hand with a gloomy face.

Heijie is a legendary place in Linzhou. It is said that the people living in Heijie are hermits with special skills and criminals from various countries.

These people gathered so much that over time, Heijie became a famous no-nonsense zone.

The most famous black street is the mysterious organization "Yin". At the same time, it is also the biggest force in the black street. "Yin" mainly sells information to the outside world.

"Hidden" is not only so good that the intelligence system is so pervasive, but its secrecy is so good that everyone knows that there is this organization, and everyone knows that they can buy information from this organization through special channels, but even the members of the black street do not know. The extent to which this organization is known.

Following the white-clothed man's turn and turn, Dongfang Tongxi became more and more amazed as he walked.

Dongfang Tongxi originally thought that since it was called Black Street, even if the place she saw was not dark and humid, without sunlight all year round, it should not be as clean, tidy, and lively as before; even if the people on Black Street were not all vicious , It's frightening to see, it shouldn't be as peaceful as it is in front of you!

Sure enough, hearing is believing, seeing is believing.

This street, which looks no different from ordinary streets, is their destination. The famous Black Street, at first glance, really disappoints Dongfang Tongxi who is full of expectations.

But if you look carefully, you can see that this street is different. For example, the uncle performing on the street is shooting flies with flying knives 50 meters away. There is no trace of stepping on the snow, and for example, the technique used by the waiter in the inn just now when serving food is the Qianshan Wanye hand that many people dream of...

All in all, every seemingly ordinary person here is a hidden expert.From this point of view, the name of the Black Street is really well-deserved...

(End of this chapter)

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