The little black-bellied princess: the bewitching demon pupil

Chapter 94 The Tragic Experience of Fenglei

Chapter 94 The Tragic Experience of Fenglei

"You disturbed my sleep, is that considered kind?" Fenglei's roar sounded again.

"People are afraid that you will catch a cold and have a runny nose when you sleep at night without covering the quilt. They are also afraid that your picky eaters will cause your body to be unbearable (my evil trick). They are also afraid that your ears will not be able to hear the sound because of your age. Therefore, it is so late. I'm here to remind you, how could you not only ignore my painstaking efforts, but also be so cruel to me? Wow, wow, wow..."

Then, Dongfang Tongxi's extremely sad cry that made people feel unbearable.If this group of people hadn't fully understood Dongfang Tongxi's vile behavior, some people might not be able to resist running over to comfort her.

In the eyes of many uninformed people, Dongfang Tongxi will definitely think that Dongfang Tongxi is indeed a considerate child who can care about others.

Don't think she's really as kind as she says she is!
The actual meaning of Dongfang Tongxi is: old man Fenglei, who told you to call me a "little thing" that day (is this also a "swearing" that can make her bear her hatred to this point?).

Hmph, he Fenglei had better pray that his vigilance at night is so high that he can detect Dongfang Tongxi's arrival at any time, otherwise she will definitely make him catch a cold and have a runny nose, and his ears will be completely deaf by her shaking, and he will be completely speechless by her. Can't eat it!
Ha... is that hard enough?Especially when it comes from an eight-year-old.

Recalling the day when Dongfang Tongxi's true nature was exposed, it was also the day that made Fenglei most embarrassing...

Early in the morning, Feng Lei, who was sleeping in bed, sneezed loudly for no reason.

It is said that it symbolizes ominousness, but Feng Lei didn't pay attention at that time, but after a while, he woke up from his sleep.

Of course, he would not believe the nonsense that a sneeze is bad luck.Just as he was about to get up as usual, his comfortable and firm bed suddenly collapsed, throwing him, who was unprepared, firmly to the ground.

"Damn it, what's going on? Isn't this bed too weak?" Feng Leihuo hit the ground heavily, and tried to stand up as he waved away the wooden plank that was pressing on him.

But who would have thought that just as he was entering here, he was greatly taken aback by the thing that was making intimate contact with his buttocks.

At that time, Feng Lei tightened his hands suddenly, the muscles on his forehead began to twitch unconsciously, and even the brows twitched uncontrollably.

Finally, he couldn't help but yelled: "Damn, who is so hateful to put these things on me!!!!!!!"

Until now, his roar that pierced the sky still echoed in everyone's ears from time to time, which shows how fierce his anger was at that time.

As for the lump under his buttocks, according to the brother who came to his room to check out of curiosity, it was a big lump...cow dung! !

If he was allowed to meet the instigator at that time, I believe he would have wished to tear him apart.

Well, of course, the facts always run counter to the wishes, so...

Sitting on such a thing, Fenglei's first reaction was of course to get some hot water to wash it off.

But after going out for a circle, he discovered a very serious problem.That is—the bottom of the buckets, basins, and water-holding containers that can be seen everywhere in this house, but for some reason overnight, there is a big hole that is big enough to let the water in it leak out!

(End of this chapter)

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