The strongest maid of SWAT crossing

Chapter 10 Kitchen Errands

Chapter 10 Kitchen Errands (2)
When Sophora japonica finished eating, Zaohua only drank half of Zaohua's porridge. Seeing that she was angry, Sophora lowered her voice and said angrily: "Look at your talent, didn't I just eat your two drumsticks? Who asked you to keep them?" I am reluctant to eat, I am telling you by doing this, you should eat good food quickly in the future, so as not to lose your regretful intestines, hum!"

After Huaihua finished speaking, she stood up, just in time to see Ai Lan and Li Ya walking over, so she raised her eyebrows and said, "Erlan, come and sit here, I'm done eating!"

Sophora came out of the dining hall with a tray, Erlan and Liya walked over, Zaohua moved aside, and let them sit down.

There is a ration for breakfast, and the maids and women each have a bowl of porridge, two steamed buns, a small dish of sauerkraut with minced bacon, and a small dish of pickled radish. Each person has an extra bowl of porridge and two steamed buns.

Ailan is hungry, and these simple meals are delicious.

However, in Zaohua's eyes, Ai Lan's eating appearance made her feel distressed. She obviously kept two chicken legs, but she didn't want Erlan to be eaten by Huaihua after Erlan left this morning. She asked Huaihua to argue, Huaihua Spending a mouthful of Balabala is like pouring beans, she can't say Sophora japonica at all.

Zaohua watched Erlan hesitate to speak, but even if she didn't open her mouth, Ai Lan knew what she wanted to say, and she felt a little funny.

Zaohua didn't say anything in the end, thinking about making up for Erlan next time.

After breakfast, Ai Lan and Li Ya began to wipe the table, wash the pots and dishes, clean and organize the kitchen, and the nuns would rest for an hour before starting to prepare lunch.Shiliu was supposed to do chores together, but she disappeared after breakfast, and Li Ya was no stranger to this.

Although the weather was getting warmer in early March, the well water was still cold. After cleaning all the pots, pans and spoons, Ai Lan and Li Ya couldn't help but rub their hands together to keep warm.

Ailan works tirelessly and doesn't complain. Although she is small, she has quick hands and feet. She washes the dishes quickly and cleanly, no worse than Li Ya.Compared with Pomegranate, who has always been lazy and slippery, Li Ya likes Ai Lan very much, and the trace of politeness and alienation that she still had before has disappeared unconsciously.

It has been more than half an hour after finishing all the work, and after a while, a few nuns will come to prepare the ingredients for lunch.

Ai Lan sat on a small twig under the eaves of the corridor, staring at a bunch of weeds in the corner in a daze.

In her previous life, Ai Lan discovered that she had the super power to read people's hearts after she became sensible. As a result, it is conceivable that her parents, relatives and friends were shocked at first, and then they were afraid of her existence.Everyone has their own inner privacy, once outsiders see through, that feeling is not much better than running naked in public.

Ailan offered to go to boarding school when she was ten years old, and since then she has never returned home except for phone calls.In the third year of high school, she was admitted to the military academy with excellent results, and after rigorous training, she became a member of the special police team.

She never mentioned her superpowers to anyone, but when solving a case, she quickly found out the real culprit with her intuitive sixth sense that seemed miraculous to her teammates.

She has no friends, and likes to be alone in the secluded countryside. When interrogating prisoners, she is decisive and quick.The prisoner was terrified when facing her, and sometimes his mind collapsed and he went crazy.While her teammates recognized her terrifying ability to solve crimes, they also felt that she was cold and heartless, so she was nicknamed "Case Solving Machine" unknowingly in the team.

Now, she accidentally traveled to this strange era and was reborn as an eight-year-old maidservant. She thought that this was probably because God wanted her to experience another life. A little girl but he was killed by a thank you gift!
Ai Lan was thinking about her past life experience, when Li Ya suddenly approached her ear and whispered: "Erlan, come with me, there is something delicious!"

Li Ya mysteriously dragged Ai Lan towards the stove burner in the innermost part of the kitchen, and when she checked that there was no one around, she used the fire stick to fiddle with the grass ash still with red sparks in the lower layer of the burner burner.

"found it!"

Li Ya pulled out something black in appearance, and reached for it, but it fell to the ground because it was too hot. Li Ya blew on her burned fingers while smiling and said: "It's a sweet potato, I buried it secretly." If you go in, you can't be discovered by Shiliu and Baimao!"

Li Ya picked up the roasted sweet potato, broke it in half, and handed the big half to Ai Lan: "Eat it, it's so sweet!"

Ai Lan held half of the roasted sweet potatoes in her two small hands, her palms were warm, and the sweet scent wafted into her nostrils, which felt better than ever before.

The two had just finished eating roasted sweet potatoes in a sneaky way, and after they had destroyed the skins of the sweet potatoes, Shiliu and a few nuns came in.

After Li Ya and Ai Lan looked at each other, they secretly stuck out their tongues and said in a low voice, "It's dangerous!"

Ailan smiled. In fact, this kind of life is not bad. Of course, the premise is that no one makes trouble, but obviously, this is impossible.

(End of this chapter)

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