The strongest maid of SWAT crossing

Chapter 12 Chicken blood splattered all over the face

Chapter 12 Chicken blood splattered all over the face (2)
At Sishi the next day, Nanny Song and the others began to prepare the ingredients for lunch as usual.

Today's meat dish is braised chicken nuggets. Nanny Song ordered Liya and Pomegranate to take the ten live chickens in a cage by the door to the yard for slaughter, while Ai Lan was doing vegetable selection in the kitchen because of urinating.

Li Ya came out from the kitchen with a large wooden basin and a kitchen knife, and then went to open the cage to get the live chickens, while Pomegranate was idly helping her to stabilize the cage.

At this time, Mammy Mao from the first kitchen hurried over, and said to Nanny Song, "You spare a girl to follow me to help clean the pig's large intestine!"

Nanny Song was very surprised, and asked casually: "Then when the pig enters the water, is there any master who wants to eat it?"

Mao Momo looked helpless, carefully glanced around, and Fang whispered: "Isn't it? Since the young master went out to meet friends yesterday, he asked his cronies, Wei Zhen, to come to the big kitchen to order food and asked what stir-fried sausages he wanted to eat today." I really don't know where he learned that this kind of low-class food is eaten by the people! No, Liu Mama temporarily asked Qian Mama to go outside to buy it. I heard that it was a pig that had just been slaughtered. The supernatant is clear, and I need to clean it up carefully again, recently, the requirements of the masters have become more and more detailed and time-consuming, and there is not enough manpower, so I can only borrow people from you!"

Nanny Song didn't say anything, she just looked at Liya and Shiliu, before she could speak, Shiliu said first: "Mommy, let Liya go, she is careful and will be able to clean the pig's large intestine thoroughly! "Just kidding, she, Pomegranate, doesn't want to wash those stinky things that used to be wrapped in feces!"
Li Ya didn't speak, but Nanny Song glanced at them, and finally nodded: "Li Ya, you can follow Mao Nanny to help, Pomegranate is responsible for slaughtering these live chickens, and then plucks the chickens, removes the internal organs and cleans them!"

Li Ya nodded yes, and followed Mao Momo.On the surface, Pomegranate took orders obediently. As soon as Nanny Song stepped into the kitchen, Pomegranate called Ai Lan who was peeling the onion with her back foot. She put the gleaming kitchen knife towards Ai Lan's little hand and ordered proudly: "Erlan , go kill those ten chickens, and I will help you by the side!"

Ailan put down the half-peeled onion, patted the dirt on her little hand, looked up at the pomegranate: "Okay!"

Pomegranate bent over to catch the chicken, with a smile on the corner of her mouth, and her eyes were dark, this time I will let the blood of the chicken splatter all over your face, it might scare you out of your wits!

Ailan turned around with a smile and walked to a flowerbed in the courtyard with a kitchen knife.A wooden board was leaning against the stone flower table. The wooden board was specially reserved for slaughtering live poultry or chopping large bones. There were faint dark bloodstains on it. Ailan put the wooden board on the ground.

Pomegranate pressed the chicken body with both hands, and raised her eyebrows to order Ai Lan: "You press the chicken head with one hand, and hold the knife in the other hand. Do you understand if you want to give it a knife?" The moment Erlan raised the knife, she let go, so that Erlan would definitely hit the chicken, and the chicken would thrash and struggle, but still...

As soon as Ai Lan raised the knife, Pomegranate immediately wanted to let go, but Ai Lan didn't cut it down. The corner of Pomegranate's mouth twitched, thinking that Ai Lan was afraid, so she pretended to be a big sister and comforted her: "Don't be afraid, this is a problem in the kitchen. Every maidservant has to go through it, you just close your eyes, raise the knife and drop it!"

Ailan sneered in her heart, eyes closed?Up and down with a knife?Nima, what if it falls into your hands?
"Well, let me try, Sister Pomegranate, you must press it for me!" Ai Lan pretended to be concerned, and her voice also showed timidity and fear.

"Okay, okay, I've done it, move quickly!" Shiliu replied, feeling impatient, you son of a bitch, hurry up!Hehe, hurry up and be scared to death!
Ai Lan raised the knife again, and Pomegranate let go again, but Ai Lan stopped again, shrinking her neck, with a nervous and fearful expression: "No, I'm afraid..."

When Shiliu heard this, she felt angry and shouted loudly: "What are you afraid of? This is what you should do as a maidservant. Hurry up, don't do anything, will you let the big guy eat chicken feathers for lunch? Huh?"

"But I..."

"What am I, I move quickly..."

As a result, before Pomegranate finished speaking, Ai Lan went down and chopped off the chicken head, and it seemed that because of too much force, the hand holding the chicken head suddenly lifted up, and a stream of hot and humid liquid splashed onto the squatting body. Press the pomegranate's face next to the chicken body.Before Shiliu could react, Ai Lan suddenly screamed, causing the passing maids and wives to look sideways.But seeing Shiliu's white face that she was always proud of, was splattered with bright red chicken blood, because her eyes widened in shock at the moment, it looked particularly terrifying, but at the same time it was a little funny .

So everyone in the courtyard turned their backs and laughed quietly and shook their shoulders when they saw this situation.

Shiliu finally came to her senses, stood up abruptly and yelled at Ai Lan: "Ah! You stinky girl, what good things have you done? Do you want to die? Ah?"

After hearing the sound, Nanny Song also came out of the kitchen, seeing Pomegranate with chicken blood all over her face, aggressive, while Ai Lan was so frightened that she huddled by the flowerbed, and said, "What happened, yelling? "

Ai Lan looked at Nanny Song expectantly, and tears glistened in her small eyes squeezed into slits by her cheeks. Suddenly she remembered that she still held the bloody chicken head and kitchen knife in her hand, so she immediately threw it away and said in a crying voice : "Nurse Song, I dare not kill a chicken..."

When Shiliu heard this, she gritted her teeth in anger, this little hoof dared to say that she didn't dare, she raised a knife and dropped it more neatly than adults, she clearly did it on purpose!

(End of this chapter)

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