Chapter 122
Ever since Ai Lan came to Sanskrit House, Yan Xiaofan would take her with her every day to greet her. It is not difficult for outsiders to see that Yan Xiaofan trusts and values ​​her. If she goes to Mrs. Chen's birthday banquet this time, Yan Xiaofan will definitely bring her with her. She, but she is still registered as a third-class maidservant in the cashier, and it would be a bit unsightly to take it out. After all, there has never been a daughter of a family who went out with her aunt to a banquet with a third-class rough maid. They are all first-class maids who serve closely.

But now the Chen family has sent someone to bring her first-class maid's clothes, which fully shows that the Chen family hopes that Yan Xiaofan will take her with her when she goes to the banquet.It's not that she is conceited, she thinks that she is the person Chen doesn't want to see the last time, if not, she wouldn't always say she was sick and wouldn't leave Tianxiangyuan.

Thinking of this, Ai Lan narrowed her eyes slightly, and suddenly heard Yan Xiaofan yelled, Ai Lan couldn't help looking at Yan Xiaofan, and saw that she was frowning, gnawing her thumb unconsciously, with a troubled expression on her face.

"What's the matter, Second Miss?" Tian Xing asked, poking her head over.

"I think that when I go to the banquet tomorrow, I have to prepare gifts. After all, it is my grandmother's birthday banquet. The time is so tight, what should I prepare?" Yan Xiaofan held his face and said a little discouraged, "The other sisters have prepared gifts. , if I go there empty-handed, or if the gifts I bring out are shabby, it’s obviously to embarrass me, I think it’s better to forget it, and when I go back to my mother, I will say that I’m not feeling well..."

"Why don't you go? This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. If you miss it, you will have to wait until the year of the monkey next time! Second Miss, you must definitely not go!" Tian Xing looked at Yan Xiaofan very earnestly. She wanted Yan Xiaofan to go to the banquet, or rather, she just wanted to go out with Yan Xiaofan to open her eyes and see the world.

"But, what gift should I give? My mother will definitely not care about me, but if I embarrass my mother, I won't have good fruit to eat when I come back, and I'm afraid I won't be able to leave the Marquis Mansion again in the future!"

"Otherwise, the second lady can draw a birthday picture!" Xiang Guo suggested.

"No, I just scribble casually on weekdays, and I can't take it out to meet people at all!"

"What about writing? I have heard that some people give birthday gifts, which are birthday characters written with a hundred different shapes!" Tian Xing said again.

"I don't have that kind of great talent, even the usual words, I can only read them!"

The three of them were anxiously thinking about what gift to give, but they were still in a mess after much deliberation, and finally they all looked at Ai Lan in unison, hoping that she could give them some advice.

Ai Lan said: "Time is tight, we can't do what others are good at, so we can only do what we are good at. How about making a 'Fu Wa He Shou' puppet with needle and thread?"

Although Yan Xiaofan, Tian Xing, and Xiangguo didn't know what a puppet was, since Ai Lan said it, they felt that it would be possible, so they gathered all the staff of the Sanskrit House, put it on the gate of the courtyard, and divided the labor to make it.

Among Sanskrit, the needlework of grapes and pears is the best, and they have always wanted to find a chance to hug Ailan's thigh, so this time the errands were done with extra care.

Although Nanny Zhong was not very energetic, she still did the work assigned to her by Ai Lan cautiously, for fear that Ai Lan would be in a bad mood and harm her family.

Even mother-in-law Tao and Shen were pulled over by Ailan to help, fluffing the silk floss in stock by hand, and then mixed it with fine silk as stuffing for puppet.

In this way, the people in the yard were busy until the evening before finishing the work. Although their nerves were tense all the time, for fear of any mistakes, but after finishing the work, seeing the novel and beautiful finished product in front of them, everyone couldn't help feeling a sense of accomplishment that they had never had before.

(End of this chapter)

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