The strongest maid of SWAT crossing

Chapter 138 Rumors and Truth

Chapter 138 Rumors and Truth (2)
The old lady frowned and looked at Ai Lan. She felt that the little girl in front of her was very familiar. After a while, she remembered that she was the child who spoke for the dumb girl in Aunt Wu's courtyard. She remembered that this child was an independent and courageous , but isn't she a girl in Aunt Wu's courtyard?Why are you here with Xiaofan again now?Could it be...

Thinking of this, the old lady said: "I remember you are from Aunt Wu's courtyard, when did you become the second young lady's personal girl again?"

Ailan calmly recounted her experience as an errand after entering the mansion.

The old lady breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this, and took a deep look at Ai Lan: "You are a loyal one, all right, go and see your master!"

As soon as Ai Lan heard this, she kowtowed to the old lady in gratitude, and then went to see Yan Xiaofan.

Yan Xiaofan just drank the medicine and was falling asleep at the moment. Ai Lan couldn't care so much, she woke her up quietly, and then tucked the quilt for her and said close to her ear: "Second Miss, you are sick, The old lady will beat each of the servants ten boards."

Although Yan Xiaofan was still a little lost in his mind, he understood Ai Lan's words, and he didn't care that he was sick and wanted to get up, so Ai Lan loudly stopped her from getting up.When the old lady heard the movement, she frowned and went in to ask what was wrong. Yan Xiaofan looked at the old lady weakly: "Grandmother, it was because Xiaofan caught a cold by accident last night that he got sick, which is causing trouble for grandmother. Now , Xiao Fan feels much better, I want the maids to help me back to the Sanskrit residence..."

"Nonsense, you are much better now, you obviously don't even have the strength to get up! Listen to grandma, and rest here to recuperate, and go back after you are done!" The old lady stepped forward to help Yan Xiaofan lie down, and then helped her Tucking in the quilt, Ai Lan tactfully retreated to the door.

"Thank you, grandma!" Yan Xiaofan looked at the old lady with a smile, his eyes were full of admiration, and then he heard her say, "Just now Xiaofan heard in a blur that grandma was going to punish those servants, Xiaofan begged grandma not to punish those servants. Be angry, and let Erlan, Tianxing and Xiangguo spare them, they treat Xiaofan very well on weekdays, Xiaofan doesn't want to have a relationship with them because of this..." He coughed a few times delicately.

Hearing this, the old lady couldn't help but looked sideways at Ai Lan who was standing by the door with low eyebrows, she thought to herself, that girl is very calculating, even she has been deceived, it must be that girl who came to ask Xiaofan for help just now of!
Thinking about it, the old lady felt a little displeased, but then she thought again that Xiaofan was right. After all, those girls have been with Xiaofan for a long time, and they will follow in the future. Xiaofan pleaded for them at this time, It can also make them feel grateful, and they will take care of Xiaofan more wholeheartedly in the future.

"Okay, I'll listen to you, let's spare them this time!" The old lady walked out after she finished speaking, and took another deep look at Ai Lan when she passed by, and then she simply waived everyone's board, but He also repeatedly admonished them to serve the master with all their heart.

By noon, Yan Chuxu and Yan Xiaofan also felt much better. After eating some light porridge in the charity garden, they got off and went back with the help of others.

But for some reason, some rumors spread quietly among the servants, saying that the reason why Yan Chuxu and Yan Xiaofan fell ill at the same time, and that the illnesses were the same, was because they were actually a pair of twin brothers and sisters born at the same birth. Strong blood ties...

As soon as this rumor appeared, it seemed to have grown wings. In less than two hours, all the servants of the Hou Mansion knew about it, so those who had good things, based on this rumor, imagined that the Chen family was actually a fake pregnancy back then, and Yan Xiaofan was pregnant. His own mother, Shao Cuiyun, was pregnant with twins. Chen was jealous and took the baby boy of the twins as his own, and took the opportunity to kill Shao. The baby boy was too similar, so he tried every means to make the baby girl fat...

(End of this chapter)

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