The strongest maid of SWAT crossing

Chapter 144: Using Force Directly

Chapter 144: Using Force Directly (4)
Although Yan Xiaofan was afraid, he still hugged Ai Lan and did not let go. Ai Lan wanted to persuade her, but she heard the silly Baitian second lady yelling anxiously: "You can take me away together!"

As soon as Yan Xiaofan said this, sweet apricots, fragrant fruits, and even licorice were anxious: "If you take away the second lady and Erlan, then take us too!"

Nanny Chen frowned tightly, her whole face was gloomy and frightening.

And those women were very surprised, the servants of this Sanskrit residence are all stupid, how can they be willing to be arrested and questioned?This is said to be an interrogation, but in fact, torture is used to extract a confession, but whoever works in the Hou's mansion doesn't know?
Ai Lan sighed in her heart, these girls, it was not in vain that she trained them hard before, the sisterhood is enough, but also a bit stupid, actually rushing to let Nanny Chen catch them, but their feelings for her are not It moved her very much.

"Hmph! If that's the case, then take them all away!" Nanny Chen spoke gloomily.

When Ai Lan and the others were brought to Tianxiang Garden, there were already many people kneeling in the courtyard. Ai Lan glanced over and found that Sophora japonica, Zaohua, Liya, Pomegranate and several nuns from the second kitchen were there. What made her feel even more ridiculous was that even the dumb aunt was there, and there were also servants, maids and mothers-in-law from other courtyards, about 30 of them.

Ai Lan couldn't help sneering, isn't Chen making such a big show just to force her to stand up and confess?Knowing that she didn't spread rumors, but still wanted to take this opportunity to get rid of her to avoid future troubles.

Huaihua found out that Ai Lan had also been brought here. Not only did the girl not worry about what happened next, she winked playfully at Ai Lan, and then tugged on Zaohua's sleeve beside her.Zaohua also looked at Ai Lan and smiled, her eyes full of worry.

At this time, Liya, Shiliu and Nanny Song also saw Ai Lan. Liya and Nanny Song were worried, but Shiliu avoided looking at Ai Lan.

Ailan knew exactly what was going to happen next, so she couldn't blame her for the choice of pomegranate.

The dumb aunt was lowering her head at this time, she didn't know what she did wrong this time, she said she was arresting the suspect who spread the rumor, but she couldn't even speak, how to spread it?She vaguely guessed that she was framed again this time, and she really couldn't escape this fate, but she still regretted letting her die now, because she still had a lot to teach that child Erlan.

At this time, some women escorted a girl back from the firewood house in the backyard, and continued to make her kneel in the front yard. Immediately afterwards, the dumb girl was taken away, and after a while, the dumb girl was escorted back again. Her hair was in a mess, there were a few red palm prints on her face, and a trace of blood flowed from the corner of her mouth.

Ai Lan watched the dumb girl being rudely pushed and knelt on the ground by a woman, and her heart was tightened. When the dumb girl turned her head, she happened to see Ai Lan who was tied up. Her eyes were full of distress, and she shook her head and said ah Ah, I wanted to express something, but was slapped on the face by another woman, and cursed: "Be honest!"

Ai Lan looked straight at Mrs. Chen who was sitting in the main hall drinking tea elegantly. This woman is very good. She found the old lady as a backer, and she must be put to death today.

Chen Shi wanted Ai Lan to die, Ai Lan could understand, after all, she had threatened Chen Shi, but Chen Shi wanted to kill her regardless, but also didn't want to lose her fair and strict image in front of everyone in the Hou Mansion, so she So he arrested all the people Ai Lan knew well in the mansion, and asked them to testify that Ai Lan was spreading rumors.

What a hypocritical and ridiculous woman!

Soon, Nanny Chen and Nanny Lai began to pretend to interrogate the kneeling servants. As expected, most of them said that it was Ai Lan who first told them the rumors, and pomegranate was among those people. So Shiliu and most of the others were let go after only ten boards, leaving Sophora Flower, Zaohua, Nanny Song and Mute Guy still kneeling.

(End of this chapter)

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