Chapter 159

The few people here naturally heard Yan Xiaowan's charming voice on the woman's side, but unfortunately, Yan Xiaowan's hard-working voice fed all the deaf people, and did not impress the three young masters at all.

Yan Chuxu didn't drink, and he ate very little food. He really had nothing to say, and suddenly saw the gourd-shaped pouch hanging on Yan Chuxiang's waist, and saw that the pattern embroidered on it was very rare, at least he had never seen it before, and said: "Brother Xiang, it's interesting who made your purse for you!"

As soon as Yan Chuxiang heard Yan Chuxu mention his purse, he became more energetic: "Brother Xu, do you think it's interesting too? My sister gave it to me. I can't name the animals embroidered on it!"

"It seems to be called white rice. I've seen it in books, and it uses bamboo as a staple food." Ren Yun said suddenly, his voice was as clear and cold as his demeanor.

Yan Chuxiang and Yan Chuxu suddenly realized that they were about to turn over this topic, but they didn't want the second master and the others to take off the purses around their waists one after another, and they started talking about the shape of the purse and the embroidery on it.

On the woman's side, Ai Lan raised her eyebrows and looked at Yan Xiaoshi, who smiled flatteringly: "My good sister, don't let me ask for it back, just this once, can't it be done as usual?"

Ailan turned her head and ignored her, drinking fruit wine by herself.Fortunately, those men on the opposite side didn't talk about purses for too long. Instead, Yan Xiaowan continued to discuss the topic of needlework with Hu.

After lunch, the men were taken by the second master to enjoy the scenery.

The second master likes strange rocks and landscapes, so his mansion specially set up a two-acre land to dig into an artificial lake, and planted lotus roots in it. At this moment, it is already full of green lotus leaves, and some of them have already budded. I think it will come in June. It will be beautiful to see again in the middle of the month.

When the second master dug the artificial lake, he used the water from the moat. The lake was dug a little deep, nearly two meters. There was a circle of railings around the lake, and an octagonal gazebo was built beside the lake, which was cheaper than ordinary gazebos. It is about twice as big, and there are stone tables and benches inside, so that when the lotus is in full bloom, you can sit in the hall and enjoy it.

The three young masters left, Yan Xiaowan naturally couldn't stay still, but she couldn't bear to follow directly, so she begged Yan Xiaoshi to go to appreciate the lotus together.

Yan Xiaoshi waved her hand: "The lotus hasn't bloomed yet, so don't go!"

Yan Xiaowan was anxious, coaxed and coaxed, but Yan Xiaoshi just refused to go. Ai Lan heard Yan Xiaowan's anxious and angry voice from the side, and couldn't help but want to laugh.

"My dear sister, you can go with me. After all, this is your home. If you go with me, how about I send you some of the most fashionable bead flowers in the capital? They belong to the Wanjin Pavilion and are very expensive!"

"No, no!" Yan Xiaoshi was not interested in the headgear, and her eyes rolled, "I can take you there, unless you help me buy the red bean cakes from Meimeixuan, which are sold in limited quantities every day!"

"Okay, I promise you!" Yan Xiaowan was really happy when she heard that only one box of pastries could send Yan Xiaoshi away. You must know that the price of those pearl flowers can buy dozens of boxes of red bean cakes!

The two clapped hands to form a deal, Yan Xiaoshi asked Ai Lan if she wanted to go together, Ai Lan shook her head, she would rather pick flowers after Hu's.

So Yan Xiaoshi took Yan Xiaowan and her two maids, Jingwen and Jingshui, over there.

Ailan helped Mrs. Hu go to the garden to pick flowers.Ai Lan found that Mrs. Hu is really a wonderful person. He likes to take care of flowers and plants. He can make his own wine, rouge essential oil and the like, and he is good at making all kinds of desserts.

Hu doesn't talk much, but her temperament is very gentle, and staying with her is very reassuring and warm, and there is a feeling of tranquility in the years.

Hu took time out to look at Ai Lan who silently helped her pick the petals, she found that this child was really different from other children, let alone her daughter Yan Xiaoshi, who was eight years old, no, after today she will be nine At the age of [-], she was very naughty all day long, and she didn't know how to shy away from strangers, and she was still like an ignorant little girl.But this child is calm and steady, neither arrogant nor impetuous. His eyes are dark and gloomy, like a deep pool, like an ancient well, with no waves, and a maturity that does not match his age. It is no wonder that his daughter calls this child her sister.

"Erlan, do you like roses?" asked Hu.

"Well, it's fine."

"If you like, I have a sachet I made a few days ago, stuffed with dried rose petals, you can take some with you when you leave, smoke the house, or put it in the closet to smoke!"

"Thank you, Second Madam, that servant would be more respectful than obedient."

Mrs. Hu smiled, this kid is really very alert, he will not be sloppy at all, and he is very efficient with his work.

Just as Mrs. Hu and Ai Lan were chatting casually while picking petals, suddenly a little girl ran over in a panic.

When she was still some distance away from them, Ai Lan's mouth curled into a sarcasm smile, she knew that there was something wrong with such a few men, Ai Lan guessed that something happened to Yan Xiaowan, and it was her own fault. Made it alone.

However, when the little girl ran closer and closer and entered the range of Ailan's mind reading, she frowned, put down the basket in her hand suddenly, and said anxiously: "Second Madam, I'll go to the artificial lake to have a look!"

Mrs. Hu did not suspect him, and said with a smile: "That's right, hurry up and play, children should play more!"

Ai Lan didn't care to listen to her, and ran out of the yard directly, passing the little girl on the way.

Hu didn't change her face until the little girl ran up to her panting and stammering to tell the story, the bamboo basket in her hand fell to the ground, and the petals inside spilled all over the floor.

(End of this chapter)

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