Chapter 161

As soon as Yan Xiaoshi heard about the food, she thought that the lotus leaves could be used to play with. Since Erlan didn't come, she could pick a few more pieces and give them to her, so she nodded.

When the old man rowed to the shore, Yan Xiaoshi said, "Grandpa Shi, we want to row a boat to pick lotus leaves!"

The old man who rowed the boat was the old housekeeper of the second master's mansion. When the second master's family was in Yunzhou, he took care of everything in the mansion. His surname was Shi, and he was called Shi Weng.

"Miss Six, if you want lotus leaves, this old slave has already picked them..."

"The ones you pick are not as interesting as the ones we pick by ourselves, don't you think so, Sixth Sister?" Yan Xiaowan interrupted Shi Weng directly.

Shi Weng was very displeased with the eldest daughter of the Hou's mansion, but he didn't show it on the surface. He still tried to persuade Yan Xiaoshi to give up the idea of ​​rowing to the lake, but Yan Xiaoshi suddenly became interested in rowing to pick lotus leaves, and wanted to say anything. Shi Weng took them there by boat.

When Shi Weng and Yan Xiaoshi were at a stalemate, the second master, Qi Dong, Ren Bo and Ren Yun walked over.

After hearing Yan Xiaoshi's request, the second master didn't agree at first, but he couldn't stand Yan Xiaoshi's acting like a baby, and Qi Dong, Ren Bo and Ren Yun seemed to have the pleasure of boating on the water, so he agreed.

After Qi Dong, Ren Bo and Ren Yun appeared, Yan Xiaowan immediately became dignified and ladylike, without saying a word, only maintaining the most perfect smile.

There are two boats in the mansion, a small boat for two people, and a larger boat that can accommodate about ten people. It has a canopy, and there are tables, stoves, and tea sets inside.

So everyone boarded the slightly larger boat.

It stands to reason that Yan Xiaowan shouldn't be on the boat, she should avoid suspicion at the age of thirteen, but because of Yan Xiaoshi's presence, she deliberately ignored the rules, but she still put on a shy and reserved look on her face, lowering her eyebrows and eyes, She doesn't look at outsiders much, and only talks to Yan Xiaoshi, as if she is very close.

The Second Master and Qi Dong were sitting under the canopy of the boat drinking tea, Ren Bo and Ren Yun were standing on both sides of the boat, Yan Xiaoshi, Yan Xiaowan and Jingwen Jingshui were sitting on the bow.

Yan Xiaoshi asked Shi Weng to row the boat to the place where the lotus leaves are densest.

At this time, under the warm sunlight, the breeze is blowing, the blue waves are rippling, and the fragrance of lotus leaves is tangy, which makes you feel very happy and comfortable.

Of course, the unexpected and sudden situation of the matter is also in an instant.

First, Yan Xiaowan plucked a lotus leaf and stood up. Because of her unsteady balance, she backed up a few steps, and finally leaned to the side, almost bumping into Ren Yun's body. She moved her body, and Yan Xiaowan leaned over to the side of the boat. Because most of her body was out of the boat, she fell into the water with a splash.

Jingwen Jingshui screamed in fright, hurriedly ran over and lay down on the side of the boat and stretched out his hand into the water, calling anxiously: "Miss! Miss..."

Yan Xiaowan's falling into the water alarmed the second master and Qi Dong, they hurried out from the boat tent, just in time to see Yan Xiaowan splashing in the water.Without saying a word, the second master pushed Jingwen Jingshui away, and stretched out his hand to pull Yan Xiaowan. Yan Xiaowan was also lucky, the second master grabbed her arm and dragged her towards the clothes.

Yan Xiaoshi didn't know whether it was because she was frightened or something else, she was stunned at the bow of the boat, the hull of the boat swayed badly because the second master pulled Yan Xiaowan onto the boat, Yan Xiaowan was unsteady, and fell into the water with a thud.

From the corner of the corner of the second master's eyes, he saw his daughter falling into the water, and almost let go of Yan Xiaowan's hand because of panic. At this time, Shi Weng and Qi Dong, who were punting the boat, both jumped into the water to rescue Yan Xiaoshi.

Yan Xiaoshi was also unlucky, she was stunned by Yan Xiaowan's falling into the water, but she forgot to struggle the moment she fell into the water, and drank with her mouth wide open, her body sank to the bottom in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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