Chapter 184

After the nanny yelled, she was trembling with fright, and made a look like she wanted to rush into the house but was afraid that Ailan would hesitate to attack the fourth young master, and kept saying: "Auntie, Auntie, what should I do, what should I do? manage……"

Aunt Wu seemed to be frightened by the situation in front of her, she stepped into the threshold with one step, but like a nanny, she also acted like she was afraid that Ai Lan would really do something to the fourth young master because of a moment of panic, and stopped in place, Crying and begging: "Erlan, please let the fourth young master go, the fourth young master is my fate, I know that I offended you because I misunderstood you and Leng Guanshi's private exchange, you should hate me , but no matter how much you hate me, you should come directly at me, Fourth Young Master is innocent..."

At this point, it seemed that the stimulation she received was too great, and she suffocated and passed out to the side. Of course, she didn't really fall to the ground. After all, Hou Yeyan Cangxiong standing behind her was not just a decoration.

"Auntie, Auntie, wake up..." The wet nurse was crying again, her voice was so loud, it would be a shame not to cry for someone else.

Yan Cangxiong hurriedly embraced Aunt Wu in his arms, staring at Ai Lan with a cold light: "I advise you to stop here, otherwise..."

"What's the matter? There's a lot of noise. This is a quiet place in Buddhism!" For some reason, he passed out in Lord Hou's arms.

"Mother!" Yan Cangxiong called out, then swept towards Ai Lan who was in the room with extreme pain and resentment, "This wicked maid wants to do something to my son because she hates her master..."

Yan Cangxiong hadn't uttered the word "fierce" when he saw Ai Lan, who had been holding the dagger in his hand to be unfavorable to the Fourth Young Master since they kicked open the door, was unhurriedly untiing the cloth wrapped around the dagger, No dagger appeared until the layer of cloth was undone.

And after Ai Lan finished untying the cloth, she began to carefully take off the underwear for the fourth young master, and then wrapped the layer of cloth around the fourth young master's stomach with a light hand, and finally tied a knot on the side of her body, and finished the dishes He neatly changed the fourth young master into clean little clothes. After everything was done, the fourth young master still slept soundly.

The old lady saw all this in her eyes, and felt a little more appreciation for Ai Lan. She is really a capable girl, and she is even good at taking care of the baby!Uh, by the way, what exactly happened? Just now he was screaming and crying, even Lord Hou was full of anger?
The old lady looked at Yan Cangxiong with doubts in her eyes, but Yan Cangxiong was choked up at this time, unable to say a word, she couldn't help but blame Aunt Wu for her unreliable handling of things, she dragged him over to confront others without confirming clearly , now it’s all right, I thought I’d catch Erlan holding a dagger, but I didn’t think it was just a piece of cloth used to protect the baby’s belly, the current scene couldn’t be performed no matter what, looking at Huai Aunt Wu who pretended to be unconscious, he wanted to throw her into the lotus pond in the temple!
Aunt Wu didn't know what happened at this time, she just felt that since the old lady came, the surroundings had been dead silent, and suddenly she heard the voice of the wet nurse who seemed to be frightened unconsciously: "No...impossible ...I, I obviously put it could it disappear..."

Aunt Wu was anxious, worried that something bad would happen to the nurse, she just wanted to take the opportunity to wake up, but it was still a step too late.

"Be clear, what did you miss when you put it in?" The old lady is not stupid, Aunt Wu fainted, Master Hou was angry but now he was suffocated, and the wet nurse seemed to be frightened, speaking inexplicably If so, there must be something inside.

(End of this chapter)

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