Chapter 188

"Erlan, are you okay?" Yan Xiaofan, Tian Xing and Xiang Guo looked at her anxiously.

Ai Lan shook her head, and couldn't help but look at the unknown Ren Bai who rescued people and then left quietly. At this time, he was already shuttling through the crowd. His back is clear and straight, and he is very eye-catching in Ai Lan's eyes. However, people around him still easily ignore his existence.

"I'm fine." Ai Lan withdrew her gaze and noticed that Yan Xiaowan, who also fell into the water, was staring at her angrily at this time, she stared back without hesitation, Nima, she hurt others first, but in the end she didn't steal the chicken and lose money, but also It's embarrassing to stare at people, really shameless!
"Huh? Where did the young man who saved people go?" Someone in the crowd asked in confusion.

"I don't know, I clearly climbed up from here just now, what a ghost!"

"It can't really be a ghost, after all, today is the Yulan Festival, it's the Ghost Festival..."

"Stop talking, it's scary!"

Yan Xiaowan finally gave Ai Lan a bitter look, and walked towards the guest room with the support of Jingwen Jingshui, and the girl who saved her before disappeared without knowing when.

"Bah! Virtue! From my point of view, today she clearly intended to harm Erlan!" Xiangguo cursed bitterly at Yan Xiaowan's back.

"Xiangguo!" Yan Xiaofan scolded Xiangguo in a low voice, "Be careful what you say!"

Xiangguo stuck out her tongue and apologized to Yan Xiaofan in a low voice.

At this time, Yan Xiaoshi ran over quickly, and seeing Ai Lan standing on the ground, she happily rushed towards Ai Lan, the tears on her face were still wet, and tears came out of her eyes again: "Erlan, it's great that you are fine I was scared to death, I thought you would die..."

Ai Lan could only hug Yan Xiaoshi and pat her on the back to comfort her.

Suddenly, there was another low cry of surprise from the crowd. Ailan first saw the hem of a royal blue brocade robe and a pair of black brocade boots embroidered with dark gold cloud patterns appearing in front of her eyes. She raised her eyes and swept over. Seeing Chen Guangyao looking at her with surprise and annoyance.

"Look at you, you are usually quite clever, how could you be so stupid as to fall into the pool?" Chen Guangyao asked, his tone was a little bit of asking for guilt.

Ai Lan replied angrily: "Mr. Chen is in good health?"

Chen Guangyao was startled, and then he realized that Ai Lan was talking about her phobia. Jun blushed immediately, and was about to reprimand Ai Lan for a few words, but inadvertently saw the women around him, and his face turned pale immediately , as if facing a formidable enemy, he almost left at a fast pace of escape.

Ai Lan smiled unkindly, and then left the lotus pond with Yan Xiaoshi, Yan Xiaofan, Tianxing and Xiangguo.

After they left, the girls were surprised. They had heard that Chen Guangyao had voluntarily admitted that he was in love with an eight-year-old girl. It depends on how familiar Chen Guangyao was with Yan Xiaoshi's casual conversation just now. The sweetheart is Yan Xiaoshi?They have already checked that Yan Xiaoshi is just eight years old and is the daughter of the second master of Wu'an Houfu, so it must be Yan Xiaoshi!
Thinking about it, everyone envied and hated Yan Xiaoshi, and Yan Xiaoshi never dreamed that she would become the target of public criticism.

Ai Lan is not the master of the Hou Mansion, so she didn't carry a few sets of clothes with her in case of emergencies. At this moment, she can only wear wet clothes and let them dry naturally.

Because both Yan Xiaowan and Ai Lan fell into the water, Yan Xiaofan and the others lost interest in going around the temple, and just stayed in the guest room to rest, waiting for the old lady and Lord Hou to order them back home.

Ailan thought of Ren Bai who had just rescued her. Although she didn't need him to save her at the time, the reason why she didn't swim immediately was because she happened to see a night pearl the size of a pigeon egg under the water blocked by a lotus leaf. She didn't know who threw such a precious thing into the pool with so much money, but she had no reason not to pick it up when she saw it, otherwise, wouldn't it just fall into the water for nothing?Who would have thought that Ren Bai, just when she was about to reach the night pearl, Ren Bai grabbed her by the back of the collar and pulled her to the surface of the water forcefully, and was finally rescued.

Ai Lan thought, although Ren Bai hindered her from picking up Ye Mingzhu, she was her savior on the bright side, and it was necessary to thank him, and she also had something to ask him, and Ren Bai also had something to say say to her.

Ai Lan left the guest room on the pretext of going to the bathroom, following Ren Bai's previous expression, Ai Lan came to a quiet small courtyard next to the guest room.There was no one guarding the gate of the courtyard, so Ai Lan walked in directly, and then saw Ren Bai who had changed into a moon white brocade robe under the grape arbor in the courtyard.

When these two come together, they can easily communicate without speaking——

Ai Lan: Just now, thank you Mr. Ren for saving me!
Ren Bai: It's my fault, I hope Erlan won't take offense!
Ailan: Just understand!If you have anything to say, just say it!

Ren Bai: ...I heard that he went to find you several times...

Ai Lan naturally understood who Ren Bai was referring to: yes.

Ren Bai: ... He, didn't make things difficult for you, did he?
Ren Bai's question was ambiguous, which showed that he didn't know whether that man made things difficult for Ai Lan.

Ai Lan: Does breaking into a girl's boudoir at night count?

Ren Bai: ...

Ai Lan: He said that he watched you grow up, he couldn't bear to hurt you, and wanted to stand up for you, but did he misunderstand something?By the way, do you like me?
Ren Bai was obviously startled by Ai Lan's straightforward question, and he didn't know how to answer for a moment, and his mind went blank, only two touches of rosy color were dyed on his cheeks, and this situation can already explain the problem.

Alan: Really?It turns out that you are also the type who likes children!

Ren Bai was a little embarrassed: No, no, I am, I am...

Ai Lan: I don't know what the palace lord told you, but there is one thing to clarify. Although my pet dog is named Xiaobai, it has nothing to do with you!Also, can you stop that palace lord from breaking into the women's boudoir at night?There are no rules!
Ren Bai was a little embarrassed: I can't control him...

Ai Lan: Forget it, whether he likes to come or not!By the way, I'm a little curious, how can you swim?Not even your cousins, and you are so weak...

No man would be happy to hear that a woman rated him as weak, and Ren Bai was the same, so his eyelids twitched, and he said: Well, the child has no mother, it's a long story...

Ailan: Stop it, you don't have to say it!I'm done asking, do you have anything else to ask?

Ren Bai looked at Ai Lan steadily, his eyes were clear and warm: You have grown taller...

The corner of Ailan's mouth twitched, she turned around and left.

After Ai Lan walked away, Ren Bai said to himself alone: ​​"So her dog is called Xiaobai..." As he spoke, the corners of his mouth were slightly curved, and suddenly, he bent down as if in abdominal pain, and shook hands vigorously. The brackets holding the grape trellis had protruding bones and joints, which were bluish white, and a layer of cold sweat had already oozed from his forehead.

After a long time, a cold male voice came: "Are you desperate? If that's the case, you might as well give it to me!"

When Ren Bai raised his head again, his face was still the same, but his eyes were gloomy and cold. The facial features that were originally delicate but indifferent and misty were now strong and seductive, exuding an arrogance and coldness all over his body but still Noble and noble domineering.

(End of this chapter)

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