Chapter 6
"Yes!" Sophora Huai wiped Nanny Gui's feet, moved the little twig to sit down, put Nanny Gui's feet on her lap and slowly pinched them.

Nanny Gui sighed comfortably, and suddenly said when the Sophora japonica flower was pinched, "You continue to look at her from now on."

Sophora japonica should have retreated, went straight to the well behind the back room, poured a large bucket of wooden water, squatted by the sink and frantically washed her face.However, even after using up most of the bucket of water, she still felt the smell of rotten soy beans on her hands, and angrily dipped her hands into the remaining half of the bucket of water.

"Sister Huaihua, use this!" Ai Lan's crisp voice came from behind Huaihua, she turned around suddenly, and saw a small child handing over a small porcelain jar filled with plant ash.

Huaihua grabbed a handful and rubbed it on her hands, and then rubbed it on her face. When the smell finally disappeared from her hands, she asked angrily, "It's so late, why are you still awake?"

"Sister Huaihua, thank you very much!"

"What?" Huaihua was stunned for a moment.

Ailan smiled without explaining, and went back to rest.To be honest, she didn't expect Huaihua to give her the two hundred coins she bribed her to Nanny Gui in order to help her. It seems that Huaihua was determined to be with Mother Gui decided.

Ailan was lying in the innermost part of the bunk, with noises in her ears. At first, it was the thoughts of the maidservants, happy, sad, kind, vicious, all entangled together. When they finally fell asleep, their dreams began again. It became so noisy that Ailan couldn't sleep.

In her previous life, she hated crowds. She often hid in a sparsely populated country house by herself, and only sent a helicopter to pick her up when she had a mission.

In fact, it is not impossible for her to forcibly close her sensory channel to external sounds with her consciousness, but in this way, her whole body will fall into a deep sleep state, and her five senses will become dull, even not as fast as ordinary people's reactions. In ancient times, she dared not and absolutely could not take this risk.

So, in the middle of the night, Ai Lan secretly ran to the pavilion in the bamboo forest with the quilt in her arms and slept all night.

At the beginning of Yinshi, the sky is still dark, most of the cloudy clouds last night have dispersed, and a few stars can be seen faintly.

Leng Ping is used to getting up early in the bamboo forest to fight for a while to warm up, and today is no exception.

Standing in the bamboo forest, Leng Ping lightly closed his eyes, listened to the rustling sound of the breeze passing through the forest, took a deep breath, and then exhaled slowly, then he opened his posture and started punching.

In this room, Ai Lan was sleeping peacefully and sweetly, when suddenly a few young women's voices came into her mind.

——Ah, Steward Leng is coming, I'm so nervous!
——Officer Leng is the most handsome, with a touch of extravagance in every gesture, I miss him so much that I can't sleep every night!
——If I can be favored by Steward Leng, I will be content even if I die!Ah, steward cold...

——Ah, come here, yesterday I heard Dan Rou say that Leng Guanshi would come here to fight boxing, I still didn’t believe it, but it’s really a good time to follow them today, I heard that he would take off his coat and only wear it when he was hot. I don't know if the middle clothes are real!Ah, it's best to take it all off! ...

Ai Lan was so overwhelmed by the boldness of a certain woman, she quickly got up from the long wooden chair in the gazebo, folded her quilt in twos and hugged her in her arms, then hid in a corner of the pavilion, holding onto the pillars and facing the nearby Looking at a rockery near the place, I saw a few figures moving there.

Ai Lan looked in the direction directly opposite the rockery again, and saw a slender boy of fifteen or sixteen coming from a distance.Because he was far away, Ai Lan couldn't see his face clearly, but his walking posture did have the demeanor of a gentleman in troubled times.As a result, the amazing voices of those women immediately came from his mind.By the time the boy started punching, those women were already in a state of madness.

Ai Lan sighed, a group of nympho, it seems that she can only hide for a while now, and when the boy and his backing fans go back, she will sneak back to the residence.

Looking at the sky, Ai Lan felt a little displeased. Nima, it’s only around 03:30 when I’m exhausted. This group of people is really disturbing my dreams, and the culprit is that coquettish boy. If I can, I really want to get fat Beat him up!
Leng Ping, who was punching, suddenly felt a chill coming from his back. He thought that his strength was not strong enough, and the body heat had not yet dissipated, so he punched and stretched harder.

After a while, Leng Ping felt hot, so he untied the azurite pigmented robe he was wearing outside, took off his upper body and hung it directly on his belt. The upper body was wearing a moon white tunic, which made him look even more handsome Yat.

Of course, these are just the wonderful imaginations of the nympho girls, because the light is too dark and the visibility is too low at this time, and the nympho girls can only see a white shadow playing around in the bamboo forest. That's called hell!
Suddenly, one of the women behind the rockery couldn't bear the temptation of the beauty, and let out an exclamation. Although the voice was not loud, it was still noticed by the keen-hearing Leng Ping in the quiet bamboo forest...

Just when Ai Lan felt sympathy for those women, she saw Leng Ping looking straight towards the pavilion where she was, and she was dressed in an instant, comparable to a trained modern soldier, and then raised her foot to kill the pavilion.

(End of this chapter)

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