Paranoid male god depends on me

Chapter 301 It's pure hand slippery

Chapter 301 It's pure hand slippery
After playing for a while, she suddenly remembered to retrieve the WeChat password.

Because of amnesia, she has forgotten a series of account numbers and passwords, which can only be retrieved through the bound mobile phone number.

Weibo and everything have been recovered, but WeChat has not yet.She appealed once before, but failed, and then she thought she didn't need WeChat, so she just let it go.

But now that everyone has WeChat, it is inconvenient for her not to use it.

She decided to appeal again, and if she was unsuccessful, she would register for another account.

Fortunately, she succeeded in her appeal!
After entering the account, I loaded the data for a while, and then the phone beeped non-stop.

A headshot suddenly jumped into her sight, and she tapped lightly.

"Where are you?"

"Don't leave me, okay?"

"Where did you go, I beg you to tell me!"

"Come back, okay? I'll wait for you at our home."


Almost every message was about telling her to come home, dated a few months ago.

She actually saw despair and collapse in the text.

Xun Yunuo clicked on the profile picture, it was Jin Chenyu's photo.In the photo, he is as cold and icy as ever, wearing sportswear, judging by the pose he poses, he is probably on the cover of some magazine.

Opening his circle of friends, the latest status update was a few months ago.

However, his circle of friends was nothing interesting, they were all about finance and economics, she was not interested, so she closed it after reading it for a while.

But because her phone froze, she pressed the screen a few more times, and for some reason, she sent an emoji.

In fact, it’s okay to send an emoji, the key is a shy emoji...

After short-circuiting her head for a while, she immediately remembered that she could withdraw the message, but just as she was about to withdraw, the other party returned a shy expression.

It's over, it's over now, her wisdom, she was ruined by him just like that, and she even sent such an ambiguous, meaningless expression, he wouldn't think she was posting chun in the middle of the night, right?
Holding the phone, Xun Yunuo's expression was tangled, whether she should return it or not.

If she explained, would Jin Chenyu feel that she was covering up?


The notification sounded again, and Xun Yunuo looked down.

"Would you like me to come and accompany you?"

The corner of her mouth twitched, and she quickly replied, "No, I'm going to sleep, good night."

Jin Chenyu held the phone, the corners of his mouth widened and widened, he seemed to feel her panic through the phone.

He knew she definitely didn't send him this expression on purpose.But what can be guessed is that she should be looking at his circle of friends.

So he sent a status, no words, only an expression, "shy".

He could already imagine her expression after seeing this state.

Xun Yunuo saw this state the next morning, when her face turned red, as if that shy expression was her.

Oh my god, she's just hand-slippery and hand-slippery, Jin Chenyu doesn't really think she wants to reconnect with him, does he?
No, she has to explain, even if it gets darker and darker.

So she commented below.

"It's purely slippery."

After a while, Jin Chenyu replied.

"I know."

Xun Yunuo frowned slightly, why did he feel more and more ambiguous?

At this time, Ke Yuze sent a message.

"Girl, have you found your WeChat account?"

"Well, I just found it last night."

"I'll pick you up for dinner at my house tonight, are you free?"

"Empty, which home?"

"It's the home you stayed in when you were unconscious."

"Understood, it's the house where I smashed your house with a spatula, haha..."

(End of this chapter)

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