Paranoid male god depends on me

Chapter 303 The child is not his

Chapter 303 The child is not his
Ke Yuze took the wine glass from Xun Yunuo's hand, "You accidentally fell, and the child is not Jin Chenyu's, but mine."

Xun Yunuo tilted his head, stared at Ke Yuze for a long time, and smiled silly, "Is it yours?"

"Yes." Ke Yuze replied, he stood up and walked to Xun Yunuo's side to help her up, "You're drunk, go upstairs and rest."

Xun Yunuo and Ke Yuze helped her into the room, and she leaned against his arms, warm and comfortable.

With the help of alcohol, when he helped her to the bed, her slender arms climbed onto his shoulders.

"Then let's have another one..." Xun Yunuo chuckled, murmuring a little unconsciously.

Ke Yuze felt his mouth was dry at the moment, he swallowed his saliva, and his throat rolled up and down.

"Xiao Nuo, do you know who I am?"

"Of course, you are Yu Ze..."

Ke Yuze was silent for a while, "Will you regret it?"

Xun Yunuo closed her eyes and shook her head in a daze.

Ke Yuze leaned forward, covering her wine-scented lips.

Then the earlobes, the neck...

"Brother Yuanbao..."

Ke Yuze's movements paused, he looked at the woman under him, and stood up forbearance.

Even though she lost her memory, deep in her heart, she still has Jin Chenyu, the man who hurt him the most.

At this time, Xun Yunuo's cell phone rang twice, and Ke Yuze took it out of her pocket.

It was a WeChat message from Jin Chenyu, and the content was: Come back early at night, Fang Fang went back to her hometown today, Lin Lang said that she was afraid of sleeping alone, and wanted you to accompany her.

Ke Yuze looked at this news in confusion, since when did Jin Chenyu like to beat around the bush and make excuses?It was obvious that he wanted her to go back.

After a while, he moved his fingers, deleted the message, and put the phone on the bedside table.

He bowed his head and kissed her lightly on the forehead, helped her tuck the quilt, and went back to the other bedroom.

Since Jin Chenyu sent the message, he kept looking down at the phone, and he was waiting for her to reply.But after waiting for a long time, there was no reply.

He looked up at the night sky, she had told him to trust.He trusts her, but it doesn't mean he trusts Ke Yuze.

Although he thought about not being domineering towards her like before, he would never let Ke Yuze take advantage of her.

"Can you find out where she is?"

Standing behind Jin Chenyu, Zhang Xian said confidently, "In the villa in the suburb of Ke Yuze."

Jin Chenyu looked at him suspiciously, "So fast? Is it accurate?"

"When they left just now, I had someone follow them." Zhang Xian was excited about the decision he had made. After following Brother Chen for so many years, he still knew his thoughts to some extent.

"Although you violated my will this time, you did a good job." Jin Chenyu patted Zhang Xian's shoulder very satisfied.

Jin Chenyu had been to Ke Yuze's villa before. Although he didn't have a key, he remembered the layout of the house.He knew which side was the bedroom.

The whole villa was dark, which created a good opportunity for Jin Chenyu. He tried his best to climb up to the second floor and looked into the master bedroom from the window.

With the help of the streetlight outside the window, Jin Chenyu saw the woman he was thinking of lying on the bed, luckily no one else was lying beside her.Otherwise, he really didn't know if he could control his urge to kill.

"Brother Yuanbao..."

(End of this chapter)

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