Paranoid male god depends on me

Chapter 324 I'm not usually stingy

Chapter 324 I'm not usually stingy
However, she believed that maybe after a long time, they would naturally break up their relationship as lovers, and she was also very glad that she was able to rein in the precipice!

After returning to the room, Xun Yunuo went into the bathroom to take a shower. She was lying in the bathtub, and the warm water covered every inch of her skin, making her extremely comfortable.

Her body was completely relaxed, but untimely messy things appeared in her mind, which made her very irritable.

Just now when she and Ke Yuze were standing by the lake enjoying the night view, they were so narcissistic!

I was still thinking about "two people coming to love me, is it a kind of happiness or a kind of torture", and I really slapped myself in the face.

How could she be fascinated by desire, especially for a veteran in love like Jin Chenyu, who knows how many girls he has cheated on before, even though he was her fiancé before, she never loved him before, right?
Does he really love her with the way he is obedient to her now?
Maybe it's unwillingness, maybe it's because of her beautiful skin that he shows the appearance of a lover again and again, right?
The next morning, Xun Yunuo went to the set of "Flying Dance". The weather in June was still very hot, but fortunately, he was wearing a light gauze robe for filming.After several scenes with Lu Yingshan, the director finally announced that it was time to eat.

The film crew had ordered meals at noon, but Xun Yunuo invited her to a nearby luxury hotel for dinner in order to thank Lu Yingshan for her clarification video last time.Anyway, she has a card, and the payment is Jin Chenyu's money.

In the hotel room, Lu Yingshan took a sip of red wine, "Actually, you don't have to thank me, that clarification video was taken when my assistant was filming me."

"You don't have to thank me. If you hadn't stepped forward and posted that video, I'm afraid I would still be wronged now." Xun Yunuo raised his glass and touched the goblet in Lu Yingshan's hand, "Let's toast .”

"Hey, hey..." Lu Yingshan waved her hand to Xun Yunuo who was drinking with her head up, "Drink less, I have to film a movie later, you want to play a drunkard."

Xun Yunuo chuckled, and said disapprovingly, "The alcohol content is not high, besides, you and I are not bad at drinking."

Lu Yingshan thought about it, so she took a few more sips, and after putting down the goblet, she looked at Xun Yunuo, "Why are you so generous today, treating me to such an expensive lunch, and opening two bottles of wine in such a romantic way?" .”

"I'm not usually stingy, I'm just too shy." Xun Yunuo curled her lips, thinking of her stingy boss, she felt a little sadness in her heart.

"No way, your Young Master Jin treats you so well, so you can't do it with less salary." Lu Yingshan's eyes widened, and she didn't believe what Xun Yunuo said.

"Hey, I won't hide it from you." Xun Yunuo sighed and stretched out five fingers, "I count this every month."

"fifty thousand?"

Xun Yunuo shook his head, his face was filled with lovelessness, "minus a zero."

"What?!" Lu Yingshan was so surprised that her jaw almost dropped, "You are talking nonsense."

"You don't even know how stingy this young master is to me, but fortunately, he has a conscience. He gave me this card, saying that it has no limit, and you can use it as you like."

"Then you're still crying poor, dare you come to show your love to me." Lu Yingshan gave Xun Yunuo a look of contempt.

Xun Yunuo laughed twice, "Hey, he's just my boss, what a show of affection."

"By the way, there were rumors about you being unprofessional that day. Didn't you ever suspect that someone from the production team did it?" After all, there were only people from the production team there that day, and there were no visiting reporters. Who would spread the word so quickly? ?
(End of this chapter)

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