Chapter 336

Today's second meal is still light and nutritious food. Although Xun Yunuo's spirit has improved a lot, she didn't refuse when Jin Chenyu fed her. Wouldn't it be nice if someone fed her?

Eat and sleep, sleep and eat, eat and then sleep, that's what she did all day today.

I slept a lot during the day, my illness got better, my stomach didn't hurt anymore, and I was more energetic at night.

Xun Yunuo tossed and turned, unable to fall asleep, got up from the bed, thinking of something to do to entertain her.

Apart from watching TV, surfing the Internet, and playing online games, she didn't seem to find anything interesting to do.

She picked up the tablet computer on the table and opened the online game she had been playing recently.

She hasn't logged in to this online game for two days. Now that she logged in, several people asked to add her as a friend, so she reached out and pressed the OK button.

There are not many girls who play this kind of game, and it is even rarer to play well like her, so people will add her every day.

Her information shows that she is a woman. Although there are many shemale players, those male players who are empty, lonely and cold will still not give up their determination to find girl players.

When they chat with her, she usually doesn't reply, but when they invite her to play a copy, she runs very fast.

Although it was already ten o'clock in the evening, the district she was in was still full.

An invitation message popped up, and a game player named "One Promise, Thousand Gold" invited her to do a task. His level was the same as hers. Looking at his equipment, he was simply a gorgeous local tyrant. It seemed that she could play soy sauce.

Although she often plays games, she seldom deposits money into them. She makes all the equipment by herself, because she thinks this is interesting. Of course, there is another more important reason... because she has no money!
Xun Yunuo thought that Yinuoqianjin would strike up a conversation with her or something, but he didn't say a word of nonsense.

They only talked about some game problems, such as asking her what other copies she hadn't played, or whether she could do any tasks, and didn't talk about anything unrelated to the game.

This made her feel good. It seemed that she had to hug this thigh, so she wouldn't have to worry about playing dungeons in the future.

So she started to take the initiative...

"When do you usually go online?"


"Then can you take me with you often?"


Xun Yunuo twitched his lips, he should call cherishing words like gold is more appropriate!
But after all, the thigh was hugged, and I was so happy!
But at eleven o'clock, this promise told her that he was going to bed and asked her to go to bed early, otherwise he would not take her with him next time.

Xun Yunuo couldn't help but find it funny, a strange netizen talked to her like that, who did he think he was?Will she listen to him?

But she still agreed with all her mouth.

In order to express her sincerity, she went offline before he went offline, and after a few minutes she went online again and continued to play dungeons.

But when she was having a good time playing, that One Promise and Thousand Gold suddenly went online again.

He said, "If you sleep now, I'll send you an outfit tomorrow."

When he mentioned the name of the equipment, she was very surprised. It didn't mean how expensive that set of equipment was, but that it had a price but no market, and even if you had money, you couldn't buy it.

How could he have this set of equipment, and even if he had it, why didn't he use it himself and give it to her.

The temptation was too great, so she obediently went offline.

But after lying on the bed for a while, she felt that she had gone crazy and believed a stranger's words.

Forget it, maybe he will give her equipment tomorrow. After all, he is such a rich man, so he must have a way.

At about twelve o'clock, the door of Xun Yunuo's room was opened.

(End of this chapter)

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