Paranoid male god depends on me

Chapter 347 I'm the one who makes friends carelessly

Chapter 347 I'm the one who makes friends carelessly
Lu Yingshan smiled and said to the two men, "She was the one who said she was going to catch Jian. Talk about it, how naive, but she refused to listen to my persuasion, so I can only come with her."

Xun Yunuo's eyes widened, so he turned his face and turned his back on him?Lu Yingshan, it wasn't you who made friends carelessly, it was me!

"You don't mind the two of us joining, do you?" Lu Yingshan originally wanted to mess things up, but at that moment, she suddenly changed her mind.

If Huo Shaojie knew that she was coming, he might think that she cared about him, and that's why he came here.

This is absolutely impossible.

Lu Yingshan and Huo Shaojie's parents are good friends, and they have played together since they were wearing crotch pants.

But it can't be said that they are childhood sweethearts, it can only be said that they are as close as brothers.

Lu Yingshan was originally studying in Jingye High School, but after the love letter incident happened, she transferred to Huo Shaojie's high school.

After that, the two often played together, but this was not an opportunity to promote their marriage.

What really forced their parents into marriage was a few weeks ago.

That night, Lu Yingshan let go of her obsession with Jin Chenyu for many years, and what he said to her made her suddenly enlightened.

So in order to celebrate her epiphany, she played wildly and drank with her good brother Huo Shaojie.

After getting drunk, in a daze, she followed Huo Shaojie back to Huo's house, entered Huo Shaojie's room, and then...

As a result, when they woke up the next morning, their first reaction to seeing each other was to scream.

This call called the Huo family couple, and Mrs. Huo was so happy that she couldn't close her mouth from ear to ear.She had wanted to match up this marriage a long time ago, but her son always said that he didn't want to get married yet, so it's all right now.

At that time Lu Yingshan spoke up, and she said that everyone was an adult, but it was because they had sex after drinking, and Huo Shaojie was not responsible.

This made the Huo family feel even more distressed about this girl whom they regarded as half their daughter.

They knew more or less about their son's flirtatiousness, and they were afraid of wronging her.

So Master Huo put down his words, if Huo Shaojie didn't marry Lu Yingshan, he would break his legs, let alone let him inherit everything from the Huo family.

Under such circumstances, what can Huo Shaojie say, he can only agree.

That time was purely accidental, Lu Yingshan did not expect it at all.

Let her marry Huo Shaojie?She laughed wildly for a long time afterwards, what she liked was a strong man, not a boy.

I think when Huo Shaojie was bullied when he was young, she was responsible for him.
But things are already like this, and her parents are eager to get married with the Huo family, and the tone and content of threatening her are completely consistent with the Huo family's couple, which makes her wonder if they are colluding.

But no matter whether it was collusion or not, her marriage is settled.

After discussing with each other, the two decided to get married in the next year at the latest, so they asked someone to choose a few auspicious days for the two, and asked them which day to choose.

The two said in unison, "December 31!"

It seems that they really adhere to the purpose of being able to play for a day, which is quite tacit.


"Okay." Huo Shaojie made a gentle gesture of invitation. He knew that if he disagreed, he believed that this woman Lu Yingshan would definitely beat him up.

When he was young, he developed late, was short, and was often bullied, but Lu Yingshan would stand up.

Now he is 1.8 meters tall. Although he is thin and doesn't have many muscles, he is at least quite strong.

(End of this chapter)

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