Paranoid male god depends on me

Chapter 364 Didn't ask you to accompany me again

Chapter 364 Didn't ask you to accompany me again
Li Yating lived in a single-parent family since she was a child. Her parents divorced when she was very young, and she lived with her mother.

The father will give them a living allowance every month, but he has never visited the two of them.

Her mother has never remarried until now, but she has a lover, a rich boss.

That's what Li Yating knew when she was ten years old. At that time, she thought she would have a stepdad.

"Step dad" is very kind to herself, and often buys food and play for herself, and she also kindly calls him dad.

But when she was 15 years old, she knew that he would not be her father.

Because she overheard the conversation between mother and stepdad.

She heard her mother say to the man, "your wife", "your son".

After her stepdad left, she went into the room to question her mother, and her mother turned pale.

After all, these things are not visible, and as a mother, I definitely don't want my daughter to know.

Although she knew that she might not be able to hide it in the future, Li Yating was only 15 years old at the time, and she didn't want to let her know too early, for fear of affecting her.

At that time, Li Yating's mother said to her, "Tingting, if it wasn't for Uncle Ding, you wouldn't even be able to go to school, and your incompetent father would have been arrested and thrown into prison a long time ago. How could anyone send us the meager living expenses?" ?”

Until now, her mother has maintained the relationship with her stepdad for more than ten years.

The stepdad was very kind to her mother and cared for every detail. The two of them hardly ever quarreled and blushed.

In her opinion, they are husband and wife, but they are not.

Xun Yunuo looked at Li Yating in a depressed mood. She rolled her eyes and said, "Yating, shall we go to the movies together?"

For some reason, she felt guilty towards Li Yating, she always felt that she had robbed Ke Yuze, even though it was not the case.

Ke Yuze told her that Li Yating was his ex-girlfriend and they hadn't been together for very long.

He said that at that time, she had given up on him because of her parents' order and decided to marry Jin Chenyu.He was also with Li Yating at that time, and the reason was also because Li Yating resembled her very much.

I don't know if Li Yating knew that Ke Yuze was with her for this reason before, if she knew, she would be very sad, right?
But Ke Yuze said that they broke up peacefully because of their personality differences, and they are still friends now.

He said that he never loved Li Yating, but just used her as a substitute, so what about Li Yating?She must have loved Ke Yuze, otherwise she wouldn't have been with him back then.

Thinking of this, Xun Yunuo suddenly had a feeling that Li Yating would be alone and lonely because of her.

"Watching a movie? Didn't you just finish watching it?" Li Yating was a little puzzled.

Xun Yunuo said with a smile, "I watched a horror movie just now and it scared me, so now I'm going to watch a funny movie to ease my mood, otherwise I won't dare to walk alone at night in the future."

"You shouldn't walk alone at night, you have President Jin to accompany you, and..." There was also Ke Yuze, but she didn't say this, she coughed lightly, "Well, anyway, tomorrow We can all sleep in."

Knowing that Xun Yunuo wanted to watch a movie, Jin Chenyu objected.He knew that for her who had a regular schedule, staying up late was not good for her health.

But Xun Yunuo didn't buy into him, she raised her head and said to him, "We went to see it, but we didn't ask you to accompany us."

(End of this chapter)

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