Paranoid male god depends on me

Chapter 370 He didn't want her to misunderstand

Chapter 370 He didn't want her to misunderstand

Ke Yuze didn't expect that today is Li Yating's birthday, should he buy her a gift, just like before.

But if he bought it, would she feel that he had her in his heart?He didn't want her to misunderstand.

But when she heard her voice on the phone just now, she obviously didn't care.

Maybe she has let him go, because he thinks too much.

That gift should be given, not only to express my apology, but also to thank her for "informing him" today.

"Why didn't I see him posting on Moments on her birthday today. As a friend, I didn't prepare any presents. Why don't you choose one for me?"

Xun Yunuo pouted, "She's your ex-girlfriend, who doesn't even remember her birthday."

Ke Yuze smiled and said, "I just need to remember yours."

Xun Yunuo looked at the time, "It's ten o'clock, I have to go back to the company before 11:30, if we want to buy gifts, let's hurry."

Xun Yunuo put on a mask, looked left and right, and after confirming that there was no suspicious person, got into Ke Yuze's car.

It doesn't matter if I am photographed alone, I am afraid that two people will be photographed, and then it will be a scandal again.

Ke Yuze reached out and took a small packaging bag from the back seat and handed it to Xun Yunuo.

"what is this?"

"Face mask."

"I have a lot of masks."

"This one is different."

"Why is it different? Could it be made of gold?"

"It wasn't made of gold, I made it myself."

"You can still do tailoring?" Xun Yunuo looked surprised.

"I learned it in a DIY shop, and the teacher taught me it. It's very simple."

Xun Yunuo opened the packing bag and took out the contents.

"Wow, what you made is really different from what you bought, it's exquisite enough."

"Of course, I want to give it to you, so naturally I can't be careless."

This mask, Ke Yuze went to class for half a month before making it, because she knew that she would often use masks.

He also embroidered the word "Zenuo" on the inside of the mask. The characters are very small and the position is relatively corner, so it is hard to find without looking carefully.

"What kind of gift are you going to give Yating, so I can choose a place for you." Regarding the matter of choosing a gift, Xun Yunuo felt that she was still competent. After all, she was also a girl, and she knew what kind of gift could be given to her. Girls can't put it down.

"It's fine, as long as you like it." Ke Yuze turned his head and glanced at Xun Yunuo, his eyes full of love.

"Wow, so generous."

"Are you jealous?"

"Not at all."

To be honest, she was really not jealous, and she was also very surprised, why wasn't she jealous?Is it because she is too generous and open-minded, or does she feel sorry for Li Yating?
"I know what gift to buy for Yating." Xun Yunuo suddenly had a flash of inspiration, she thought that Li Yating's wrist was empty and there was no jewelry, so why not buy her a bracelet.

Ke Yuze's car stopped at a shopping mall, and when he got out of the car, Xun Yunuo dragged Ke Yuze to a jewelry store on the second floor.

"Go slowly, don't fall." Ke Yuze grabbed Xun Yunuo with his backhand.

"Slow down, I'm going to be too late. I have to go back to the company before 11:30." Xun Yunuo was wearing the new mask Ke Yuze gave her, with a silk juniper flower embroidered on it.

Ke Yuze pinched her face dotingly, "I know, but it's not a few minutes away."

Xun Yunuo and Lin Lang had visited this jewelry store before, and the jewelry styles here are very novel and very girly, she believes that there is no girl who doesn't like it.

In the end she settled on a silver butterfly bracelet.

Ke Yuze took a look at the bracelet, and finally his eyes stopped on the price, "Xiao Nuo, are you sure you want me to buy this for Yating?"

(End of this chapter)

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