Paranoid male god depends on me

Chapter 376 I want you to be buried with me

Chapter 376 I want you to be buried with me
Inside the hotel manager's office.

"How is it possible! Did you search carefully!" the hotel manager shouted at a group of waiters.

"Manager, we have indeed searched, not to mention every room, every corner, even the roof." The foreman said tremblingly.

There was a "wow--", followed by the broken sound of "ping ping pong pong".

A group of people in the office were so frightened that their heads were sweating, they all lowered their heads, not daring to look at the man like Shura at this moment.

"Didn't you say it must be in the hotel? Why can't you find it?" Jin Chenyu's gaze was as terrifying as that of a devil, and he stepped forward to pick up the manager's collar.

The manager was much shorter than Jin Chenyu, and he lifted his feet off the ground.

"Master Jin, they must have been lazy and didn't look carefully. I'll let them look for it again..." The manager was so frightened that he was about to cry, trembling all over.

"Let me tell you, if something happens to her, I want you to be buried with her!" Jin Chenyu let go, and the manager fell to the ground.

At this moment, the manager's heart is hanging high. He must be to blame for the person who disappeared in their hotel.

It's fine if it's an ordinary person, they can still escape responsibility, but this time it's not an ordinary person, he can't afford to be offended.

The matter of Xun Yunuo's disappearance was blocked, and the outside world didn't know about it, only some people knew about it.

At this moment, Xun Yunuo was lying on the bed with her eyes closed. Although she couldn't do anything, there was nothing wrong with recuperating and conserving her strength.

The light in the house was dim, and the curtains in the room firmly blocked the light outside the window. She didn't know what time it was.

Her stomach was already growling, though, so it must have been past five.

During this period, no one came in, and she didn't hear any sound. Could it be that the kidnappers planned to leave her here and starve her to death?
She wanted to shout, but she didn't dare, for fear of bringing in the kidnappers.

And she knew it was useless to shout, there must be no one around here, this place should be the secret den of the kidnappers.


The sound of the door opening suddenly reminded me that it was extraordinarily abrupt and terrifying in the room that had been quiet for a long time.

Xun Yunuo's body trembled subconsciously, she didn't open her eyes, she was going to pretend to be asleep first, she wanted to see what the kidnapper wanted to do.

"Why aren't you awake yet?" The man in black frowned when he saw the woman on the bed.

"No, the dose of the drug is not much, so I should have woken up long ago." The man in white said.

It was the voices of two men. It seemed that there was more than one kidnapper, and there were also accomplices.

"The young master will be here soon, just wait to be scolded."

Who is the young master?Anyone else coming?What are these people trying to do?
"No way, I successfully completed the task..." The man in white said with a bit of confidence in his voice.

The man in black folded his arms around his chest, with a look of contempt on his face, "The young master asked you to invite him over, but you have knocked him out, and you are still tied here, do you think we are kidnappers?"

The man in white clothes immediately explained, "I have done my homework, she is very skilled, if not, how could I get her here, didn't you hear that the young master said that I would invite her within a day? One day There is no way to invite them, only to tie them up."

"You didn't even ask him, maybe he would like to come with us."

"Efficiency, do you understand? Of course, I'll get the people the young master wants without saying a word. It's not like you, who always look forward and backward when doing things."

"This is called prudence and consideration."

(End of this chapter)

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