Paranoid male god depends on me

Chapter 384 A Meeting Gift For Her

Chapter 384 A Meeting Gift For Her
Sure enough, as Xun Yunuo had expected, Long Shifan's skills were indeed good, and it was very difficult for her as a girl to fight against him, so she couldn't take advantage of it.

However, he only defended and did not attack, and just fought guerrilla warfare with her like this. Xun Yunuo knew that her physical strength would soon be exhausted, and then she would become meat on the chopping board.

In this case, don't blame her for using her trump card!
A cunning flashed in Xun Yunuo's eyes. Taking advantage of the flaws in Long Shifan's waist, she quickly reached out and grabbed his waist, and she tore off the gorgeous bath towel just like that.

While Long Shifan was in a daze, she immediately ran out the door with a bath towel. She didn't believe that he would chase her naked, even if he wanted to chase her, he had to put on his clothes.

After all, there are not only the two of them in this villa, but also Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai. She doesn't believe that he will destroy his image in front of his subordinates. Men want face!
Long Shifan wrapped a towel around his waist again, stood upstairs and watched Xun Yunuo run into the car, and started the car.

"Master, do you want me to chase after you?" Xiao Hei ran out of the small room when he heard the movement. He saw Xun Yunuo running downstairs. He wanted to chase him, but he saw his boss standing calmly in the corridor , and immediately stepped forward to ask for instructions.

"No need, let her go back." Long Shifan smiled slightly, "Cultivating a relationship is not a matter of a day or two, you have to take your time."

"What about the car?"

"Anyway, if you don't have a license plate, take it as a meeting gift for her."

This car is the latest limited edition off-road vehicle produced by Mercedes-Benz, and Long Shifan bought it not long ago.

He has been in love with this car for a long time, and he can't put it down, but since she likes it, let her take it.


This is a Mercedes-Benz off-road vehicle. It was the first time for Xun Yunuo to drive such a large vehicle, so he was inevitably a little scared.

She was flustered when she first drove out, so she chose a random direction to drive.

After driving for a while, it is quite far away from the villa now.

After confirming that she had reached a safe place, she stopped the car and began to study the navigation.

She entered the address in the car navigation, and soon, the navigation automatically planned the route.

For those who are lost, with navigation in hand, I have the world!
Xun Yunuo listened to the song and hummed a ditty while steering the steering wheel leisurely.

Because the road is wide and there are few other cars passing by, she adjusted the constant speed mode to free her feet.

Although he escaped now, the time in Xun Yunuo's heart still hasn't settled down.

She escaped like this, will Long Shifan try to catch her again, just like in the hotel today.

And she also drove away his car, which is very valuable, and he definitely wants to take it back.

As long as she returned to her own territory, she would not be afraid of him. If he dared to bully her, my aunt would not let anyone bully her casually.

Xun Yunuo doesn't know much about cars, but she knows that this car is the latest limited-edition off-road vehicle from Mercedes-Benz, because Jin Chenyu also has an identical one, which she just bought a while ago.

Today she was inexplicably frightened, and felt extremely upset. Should this Long Shifan pay her for mental damage?
This is the car.

But she can't drive the car to Jupiter.

Jin Chenyu doesn't allow her to drive, so she can't let him know, but where should she park such an expensive car?
After thinking about it, it would be more appropriate to stop at Lu Yingshan's place.

(End of this chapter)

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