Paranoid male god depends on me

Chapter 825 I'm still a child

Chapter 825 I'm still a child

"Master Jin, don't throw dog food at every turn, okay, I know you're reconciled." Lu Yingshan looked at Xun Yunuo and Jin Chenyu with a smile, and said meaningfully.

Jin Chenyu raised his eyebrows slightly, but his expression was uncontrollable joy.

The recent improvement in the relationship between him and Xun Yunuo was only known to the two of them, how did Lu Yingshan know?There is only one possibility, and Xun Yunuo told her.

How did Xun Yunuo tell Lu Yingshan?Said they reconciled?
It must be like this, otherwise how could Lu Yingshan say "I know you are reconciled".

Thinking of this, Jin Chenyu's mood became even happier. He stretched out his hand and pulled Xun Yunuo beside him into his arms, and said to Lu Yingshan, "What's wrong with spreading dog food? If you have the ability, you can also spread it. "

Lu Yingshan chuckled, looked at Xun Yunuo and said, "I really didn't expect that your aloof Young Master Jin would say such a thing?"

In fact, hearing Jin Chenyu say such a thing, Xun Yunuo was indeed a little ashamed.

After all, it's been a long time since she's heard him hate someone so much.

Jin Chenyu's temperament is cold, and he will only be like this when he is with her.

Even when I was young, it was the same.

I remember one time, they went to a restaurant for dinner together, but she wanted to drink freshly squeezed juice from a beverage store outside, so she entered the restaurant first to order, while Jin Chenyu was queuing outside to buy juice.

That day, after she finished ordering, a man at the next table sat across from her without authorization.

She looked at the man in front of her with some doubts and said, "Excuse me, do we know each other?"

The man shook his head and said, "I didn't know each other before, but now I do."

Xun Yunuo immediately understood the man's intentions, did he want to pick on her?

She didn't drive him away immediately, but made a plan because she saw Jin Chenyu who just walked in from the door.

She slightly turned her black and crystal eyes, and said to the man in front of her, "Really? Why do you want to know me?"

"I said I fell in love with you at first sight, do you believe it or not?" Seeing that she didn't dislike his strike-up, the man rejoiced in his heart, expressed his intention in a concise and concise manner, and stepped up the offensive of picking up girls.

Xun Yunuo pursed her lips and smiled, "I believe it. After all, I'm so beautiful and cute, aren't I?"

Seeing what Xun Yunuo said, the man felt that he was about to succeed in picking up girls. He struck while the iron was hot and said, "That beautiful and lovely beauty, can you be my girlfriend? I have a house, a car and a career, so I won't let you suffer of."

Xun Yunuo was thinking, pouted and said, "We've only known each other for a few minutes, isn't this too fast?"

The man said excitedly, "No, don't we all pay attention to efficiency now? Let's fall in love first, and strive to get married next month and have a baby next year."

The man said it in a serious way, she didn't know whether he was sincere or he was too clever in picking up girls, but after thinking about it, it should be the latter.

This kind of sweet-mouthed man is often the most unreliable. When he is interested in you, he will please you in every possible way, and when he is not interested in you, he will kick you away.

But what kind of person this man is has nothing to do with her. She smiled at the man and said, "Brother, I am, I am still a child."

PS: A woman who dares to love Brother Chen, does she not want to live anymore?

(End of this chapter)

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