Paranoid male god depends on me

Chapter 833 Forget That Unworthy Man

Chapter 833 Forget That Unworthy Man

Long Shifan is her elder brother, so are their parents still there?Who is Long Shifan?

After knowing him for so many days, she felt that he was rich and mysterious, definitely not some simple character.

She didn't know the answers to these questions, and she never asked Long Shifan, but she would ask him one by one after the appraisal report came out.

After Lu Yingshan checked her body, Long Shifan drove the car, and the three of them went to Lu Yingshan's apartment.

Xun Yunuo and Lu Yingshan hadn't seen each other for several days, and the chats between the girlfriends were always endless. The two of them were sitting on the sofa in the living room, watching TV and chatting.

And Long Shifan was in the study, sitting in front of the computer, busy with something.

Xun Yunuo told Lu Yingshan all the things that happened in the past few days, because she knew that Lu Yingshan must be boring living in the suburbs, and gossiping with her made her lively.

When talking about being excited, Xun Yunuo accidentally glanced at the TV screen, which happened to be playing a certain reality show, and then she thought of Lin Xiaoxiao.

Without even thinking about it, she blurted out, "Qin Lulu is also really good. He has brought the idiom 'The Encounter's Road is Narrow' to the extreme. The film and television drama he helped me accept, Lin Xiaoxiao starred in it, and he helped me accept a reality show. There's also Lin Xiaoxiao, you don't know how annoying this woman is, it's disgusting to look at, she even locked me in the bathroom, closed the doors and windows, turned on the heat and air conditioner, causing me to faint from heat stroke, this is unbearable, If I have the chance, I will definitely treat her well..."

In the middle of speaking, Xun Yunuo seemed to have thought of something, she stopped immediately, why did she mention Lin Xiaoxiao in front of Lu Yingshan?

After all, Lin Xiaoxiao had a relationship with Huo Shaojie, and she knew that Lu Yingshan was in love with Huo Shaojie. If she thought about the past, would she be in a bad mood?

Lu Yingshan seemed to know what Xun Yunuo was thinking, she pretended to smile relaxedly, and said, "I will help you fix her together if I have a chance in the future."

But Xun Yunuo couldn't laugh anymore. Seeing Lu Yingshan's forced smile, she couldn't help stretching out her arms to hug Lu Yingshan, and said slowly, "Shanshan, no matter when, you still have me Friends stay with you, forget about that unworthy man."

I don't know if the sadness and grievances in my heart have been accumulated for too long. After hearing what Xun Yunuo said and her warm embrace, Lu Yingshan's tears poured down like a bank bursting, hitting Xun Yunuo one by one. On Yunuo's shoulders.

Xun Yunuo really felt the trembling of Lu Yingshan's body and the wetness on her shoulders. This time, she did not persuade Lu Yingshan not to cry. She knew that Lu Yingshan must be very depressed. Maybe she would not be so sad if she let it out. , It's not good to hold it in your heart all the time.

Xun Yunuo just quietly accompanied Lu Yingshan. After a while, Lu Yingshan wiped her tears, sucked her nose, and looked at her with a smile, "I'm so happy to have you and Long Shifan Good friend, don't worry, I will forget the unworthy people and live happily."

Xun Yunuo smiled gratifiedly, "Well, if you are in a bad mood in the future, you can chat with me and make a video with me. Even if I am filming a scene about hanging Wia, I will reply you as soon as possible."

Lu Yingshan smiled lightly, shook her head and said, "I don't need it, what if you fall off the wire again?"

PS: Recently, I started to have a sore throat and ulcers again... It looks like a set meal, I hope it will get better soon, otherwise the state is not good, and I almost fell asleep when typing... Babies who like this article remember to vote for recommendation , The recommendation ticket is enough, the recommendation ticket is free, and the monthly pass feels a bit wasteful, but the local rich babies are free to vote for the monthly pass.

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(End of this chapter)

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