Paranoid male god depends on me

Chapter 836 Are You Smug?

Chapter 836 Are You Smug?
As soon as the meal was finished, Lan Yan drove away because of an emergency.

Han Qin pushed Jin Dexiong for a walk in the community, and Jin Chenyu went upstairs to hold a video conference because of some company matters.

Xun Yunuo was sitting in the living room watching TV, while Jin Wanning was sitting next to her.

To be honest, this kind of atmosphere is quite awkward, so she took the lead to break the embarrassment, "When did you fall in love with Ke Yuze?"

Hearing this sentence, Jin Wanning was taken aback for a moment, she wondered how Xun Yunuo would know?

Could it be that Ke Yuze told her, but thinking about it, it probably wouldn't be the case.

Xun Yunuo hooked the corners of her lips, "Is it strange why I knew you liked Ke Yuze, it was in the washroom of Qinghe Bay Cinema, you were drunk, I was in the cubicle next to you, your drunken talk was full Full of resentment against me, I heard everything."

Jin Wanning didn't hide it, she sneered, "It doesn't matter if you know, as long as you talk about things openly and honestly."

Speaking of being open and honest, Xun Yunuo wanted to ask Jin Wanning a few things, "You were the one who did it, right?"

"It's me." Jin Wanning replied simply, "But that's because I was lucky. It happened that my people saw the video of you being forced to have an abortion by me. Since God gave me a chance, why didn't I make good use of it?"

Xun Yunuo frowned, she didn't expect Jin Wanning to admit it so straightforwardly, and so confidently, she clenched her fists slightly, and continued to ask, "You did what happened to Wia, didn't you?"

Jin Wanning raised the corners of her mouth, her eyes were filled with coldness, "Yes, that's right, I didn't expect you to be stupid."

"Wanning, how did you become like this, I can forgive you for pushing me away without a child, but about Wia, are you trying to kill me on purpose?"

Thinking about what happened that day, in fact, I was still afraid. As Lu Yingshan said, it was her luck that she fell and it was fine. If she was unlucky, the consequences would be unimaginable.

"You can't die at that height, at most hemiplegia." Jin Wanning said it very easily, as if she was saying "the weather is fine today".

Xun Yunuo was really disappointed with Jin Wanning at the moment. She spoke just now because she wanted everyone to have an open and honest chat.

In fact, she wanted to try to see if she could salvage this friendship, after all, they had known each other for so many years.

But she didn't expect Jin Wanning to have such an attitude. Her former good friend would harm her again and again, which made her feel too chilled.

Xun Yunuo's fingertips trembled slightly, she tried her best to maintain the calm on her face, but there was a trace of regret in her words, "Wanning, how close we used to be, why do you hate me so much?"

"Intimate? Haha, that's your wishful thinking, right? I never felt how intimate we are. I hated you very early on, since I knew what was written on Yu Ze's wish paper. "Jin Wanning smiled, but there was a bone-chilling chill in her eyes.

"But I knew that you and my brother would get married, but I didn't expect that when I came back from abroad for a few years, you would get together with Yu Ze. You are really capable, you are a complete vixen. My brother and Yu Ze They are all so kind to you, are you complacent?"

PS: I finally finished writing, if you like it, please vote for recommendation, okay, good night, babies, have a good dream ~ dream of your own male god!
(End of this chapter)

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