Paranoid male god depends on me

Chapter 844 Help Me Tell Her

Chapter 844 Help Me Tell Her

As soon as he opened it, he found out that someone added him as a friend. He looked at the game name and knew who it was. He had seen it in Lu Yingshan's game before, it was Huo Shaojie.

Huo Shaojie would come to join him, presumably because he and Lu Yingshan became heroes.

And Huo Shaojie is still online at the moment, he hesitated for a while, Long Shifan clicked OK and added as a friend.

Soon, Huo Shaojie sent him an invitation to form a team, and Long Shifan clicked OK again.

As soon as he entered the team, Huo Shaojie asked him who he was.

Long Shifan frowned, and replied: How should I answer this question?

Huo Shaojie saw her playing games in the car today, and after returning home, he opened the game by accident.

But he found out that the heroic relationship between him and Lu Yingshan was dissolved, and she was married to someone else, and then he added Long Batian without even thinking about it.

Seeing Long Shifan's reply, Huo Shaojie simply asked more directly: Who are you Lu Yingshan?You must know her, based on what I know about her, she won't marry a stranger in the game.

Long Shifan only replied with one word: yes.

It was just one word, but it made Huo Shaojie extremely uncomfortable. He replied: You are Long Shifan, right?
Long Shifan didn't hide it, and replied: That's right.

In fact, Huo Shaojie was just guessing, because when he thought of seeing Long Shifan at Lu Yingshan's house just now, he suspected it was him.

For some reason, after confirming the truth, he felt extremely uncomfortable, even though it was just a game.

Huo Shaojie said without thinking: Is she by your side now?

Long Shifan replied: Yes.

In fact, when he was in front of Lu Yingshan's house, he also saw Huo Shaojie.

Huo Shaojie: How many PK games?

Long Batian: Feel free.

Two people entered the PK field. The two characters have different occupations, each has its own characteristics and weaknesses. Long Shifan's operation is obviously better. They fought three times, and Long Shifan won every time.

Although Huo Shaojie was well equipped, it was useless, because PK relied on technology, and swiping pictures of equipment was useless in the PK field.This made Huo Shaojie feel even worse.

Huo Shaojie is the owner of the house. After playing three games, he didn't start quickly like last time.

He sent a message: Is she asleep?
Long Shifan replied impatiently: "Sleep, do you still want to fight?"Do not hit me to brush a copy.

Huo Shaojie: Tell her for me that I will pick her up for dinner at eleven o'clock tomorrow.

Long Batian: She is not feeling well, so she will not go.

Seeing the content sent by Long Shifan, Huo Shaojie's heart tightened suddenly: What's wrong with her?Where does it hurt?is it serious?
Long Batian: It's okay, I have a little fever.

Huo Shaojie: Oh, let her call me back when she wakes up.

Long Batian: Yes.

Although it was a normal speech, Long Shifan seemed to feel a deep provocation through the screen. He seemed to be swearing sovereignty, reminding that he was Lu Yingshan's fiancé.

What happened to Huo Shaojie, now that his conscience realizes that he cares about Lu Yingshan?

Withdrew from the PK field, Long Shifan casually started brushing the dungeon, after playing for two hours, he reached out to touch Lu Yingshan's forehead, it was no longer hot, it seemed that the fever had subsided.

His hanging heart just fell down, but at this moment, he didn't want to leave. He sat on the chair and fell asleep on the edge of the bed.

When Lu Yingshan woke up, it was two o'clock in the morning. She just sat up and wanted to go to the bathroom when she found Long Shifan sleeping beside the bed.

(End of this chapter)

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