Paranoid male god depends on me

Chapter 849 Just Sit and Wait For Him To Call You Dad

Chapter 849 Just Sit and Wait For Him To Call You Dad

It's a song about friendship, because when they were young, they were really inseparable, they just ate and slept together.

However, when they really ate and slept together, their relationship was different.

Although the two sang the song completely as before, it was completely different from what it was then, and it was a little more lifeless.

However, the atmosphere in the box was very high. Everyone was chatting and playing dice, but no one noticed that the expressions of both of them were a little dazed.

After singing, Lu Yingshan gave the microphone to the person next to her, and then she picked up the water glass on the table and drank a couple of gulps.

How close they used to be, but now...

I'm afraid they won't even be able to be friends in the future, right?
For a moment, the fundus of her eyes was hot, and she blinked, trying to hold back the tears that were about to overflow.

Huo Shaojie picked up the wine in front of him and drank it down. At this moment, he was extremely irritable, but he was also disappointed.

They used to be able to finish singing this song with high spirits. Although they still have the same tacit understanding as before, they are no longer what they were then.

He glanced sideways at Lu Yingshan, who had no expression on her face, just staring straight at the big screen in front of her.

He had an urge to ask her, did she really have it?

But when he thought of how harshly he had spoken to her, he felt guilty. When he made up his mind to ask her, she suddenly stood up and walked out of the box.

He followed out subconsciously, and then heard her answering the phone.

"Long Shifan, it's not too late, you called so early, what do you want to check?"

"I'm's okay...I see..."

While talking on the phone, Lu Yingshan walked forward and walked into the safe passage, and the surroundings finally became quieter.

Long Shifan was sitting on the sofa watching TV boredly. He took a bite of pizza and said to the phone, "Come back early, you can bear it, the baby in your belly will be too noisy and tired."

Lu Yingshan smiled, and touched her lower abdomen subconsciously, "No, the doctor said during the examination yesterday that the baby is very healthy."

"Remember not to drink alcohol, and it is best not to eat irritating food."

"I know, she's as nagging as my mother, I'm sure I don't drink alcohol, don't worry, I've remembered the precautions the doctor told me, I'm sure I will pay attention to everything, and give birth to him smoothly, You just sit and wait for him to call you daddy."

This was what Lu Yingshan and Long Shifan had agreed upon in the car this morning, and she told him, "Just like what I said that day, you don't need to marry me, and from now on, you can just be the godfather of your child. "

Then Long Shifan said, "Godfather doesn't sound good. Since godfather is also a father, let him call me dad."


"Okay, I see. If I later..." Lu Yingshan turned around to go back while talking, but saw Huo Shaojie at the door of the stairwell.

She subconsciously clenched the phone in her hand, and her face instantly turned pale.

When did he stand here?He must have heard what she said to Long Shifan.

"Hey, Shanshan, are you still there?" Long Shifan's tone was a little anxious, and Lu Yingshan stopped in the middle of speaking, and he suddenly had a bad premonition slowly rising from his heart.

PS: Hey, I don’t know if the next plot will be sent by you... So I want to explain, although it is a bit cruel, but the ending is good, what A Yao likes most is the happy ending. So I will write several episodes about young couples~ I will abuse a little bit later, but it will be fine soon, after all, it is coming to an end, hehe~
(End of this chapter)

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