Paranoid male god depends on me

Chapter 855 You Became Like This Once You Appeared

Chapter 855 You Became Like This Once You Appeared
Before Lu Yingshan hung up the phone just now, Long Shifan felt that she was a little weird, so he found out where she was through her mobile phone.

But when he found out that she was no longer in the fairyland on earth, but in a nearby hospital, he immediately realized that something was wrong.

So he rushed to the hospital immediately. When he came, Lu Yingshan was in the operating room.

Long Shifan looked at Huo Shaojie like this, and Xun Yunuo naturally knew that Huo Shaojie had harmed Lu Yingshan. She didn't care about anything else, and as soon as she got angry, she rushed up and hit Huo Shaojie.

"Huo Shaojie, you are still human, you killed your own child, what are you doing, why Shanshan was fine when she was with us, and you became like this when you appeared..."

At this moment, the corners of Huo Shaojie's mouth were a little swollen, and there were traces of blood. This was from being beaten by Long Shifan just now. Since he entered the hospital just now, he is like a body without a soul. When he was there, he didn't say a word.

Just like now, Xun Yunuo punched and kicked him mercilessly, but he didn't seem to know it, staring straight at the woman on the bed, until he heard Xun Yunuo's words, he suddenly looked at her, "You say the child is mine?"

Xun Yunuo sneered, stretched out his hand and punched him again, "You are his fiancé, if her child is not yours, who else would it be? Do you think he is as disgusting as you? She has never done anything wrong to you , You still don't believe her, what did you do to her to make her become like this, you bastard, you are not human!"

Xun Yunuo spared no effort in punching and kicking Huo Shaojie, as if out of control, until she was exhausted, and then sat on the side of the bed panting.

Xun Yunuo reached out to hold Lu Yingshan's hand, but at the moment her hand was cold, giving off a lifeless feeling.

Xun Yunuo suddenly thought of the scene of her miscarriage before, maybe because she empathized with her, her tears couldn't stop flowing down.

Huo Shaojie stood in front of the bed in a daze, looking at the woman on the bed dazedly, after a while, he suddenly grabbed Lu Yingshan's hand, and said in a remorseful and annoyed voice, "I'm sorry, I really didn't think about it. It will become like this, if I know, I will definitely not force you, Shanshan, when you wake up, you can hit me however you want, okay?"

A few hours ago, he didn't understand what happened to him recently, but at the moment when she had an accident, he finally understood, because he had someone he cared about, and that person was Lu Yingshan.

At that time, he thought that the child in her belly belonged to someone else, so he wanted her to take it away, and then they fulfilled their marriage contract ahead of schedule, but he didn't expect that during the dispute, she would fall down the stairs.

And the child whose belly disappeared was actually his!
He has almost never experienced this kind of heartache in his life. He hates himself so much now. How did he do such a thing? Not only did he hurt her, but he also killed their child.

Long Shifan's fists were clenched tightly, and he rushed forward again uncontrollably, grabbed Huo Shaojie's collar, and slammed him against the wall, "What's the use of talking about it now! What did you do early!"

Huo Shaojie didn't seem to feel the pain in his body, he squatted down with his head in his arms, "I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, I shouldn't have forced her like that, if I didn't force her, she wouldn't have stumbled and fallen Stairs, it's my fault, I'm damned..."

(End of this chapter)

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