Paranoid male god depends on me

Chapter 861 It's Okay, I Like It

Chapter 861 It's Okay, I Like It

Soon, the nurse came in with a series of sterilized tools, "Miss Lu, is anyone injured? Do you need my help?"

Lu Yingshan shook her head, "No, thank you."

After the nurse went out, Lu Yingshan took the disinfectant and smiled faintly at Long Shifan who was sitting by the bed, "Extend your hand, I'll disinfect it for you."

"It's okay, I'll do it myself."

Long Shifan stretched out his hand to pick up the disinfectant, but she grabbed it, and she said slightly seriously, "Don't move."

After speaking, she dipped a cotton swab in disinfectant and applied it to the wound on his hand.

Lu Yingshan sat on the bed, lowered her head, and concentrated on applying disinfectant for him.Her soft hand grasped his big hand, and it seemed that electricity flowed from her fingertips, making him throb.

His wound was not deep, but it was not small. Lu Yingshan was afraid of his pain, so she applied it very slowly and lightly, but he didn't react at all.

After a while, she finally raised her head in doubt, and the words came out, "Why don't you feel pain..."

But she stopped in the middle of speaking, and when she raised her head, she met Long Shifan's gaze.

His eyes were soft and tender, and he stared at her without blinking, as if everything around him didn't exist.

Lu Yingshan forgot to respond to his enthusiastic gaze, and the two just stared at each other for a long time.

After reacting, Lu Yingshan's face felt hot again, she hurriedly turned her head away in a panic, picked up the gauze at the side, and wrapped it around his hand, "Well, the disinfection is finished, now I will help you Bandage it up..."

Maybe it was because she was in a hurry and a little nervous. After wrapping up, she realized, what the hell is she wrapping?The whole thing is like a rice dumpling, I can't bear to look directly at it!
Lu Yingshan smiled embarrassingly, "I've never done it before, and I'm not very proficient, don't mind..."

Long Shifan looked down at his hands and didn't mind at all. He smiled and said, "It's okay, I like it."

Quite like?Lu Yingshan curled her lips, his taste is quite unique.

Long Shifan looked at the time, "Are you tired, do you want to go to bed early?"

The Huo family's hospital is a private hospital, so the facilities are naturally very good. In addition, it is a VIP ward, almost everything is available.

There is not only a large hospital bed in the room, but also a single bed next to it for family members to sleep in.

Lu Yingshan nodded, paused, and asked Long Shifan, "Then are you sleeping?"

"Well, I'll sleep too." Long Shifan said while pressing the button on the edge of the bed to make the bed flat.

After laying the bed flat, Long Shifan helped Lu Yingshan tuck the quilt, and then turned off all the extra lights in the ward, leaving only a dim sleeping light.

After Lu Yingshan lay down, she didn't fall asleep for a long time. She turned over and thought that she might be able to fall asleep if she changed her position, but she still didn't feel sleepy.

She was a little bored and wanted to talk to Long Shifan, but she didn't know if he was asleep. If he fell asleep, wouldn't she wake him up.

When she was wondering whether to make a sound, Long Shifan spoke first, "Can't you sleep?"

The sudden voice was a bit abrupt, Lu Yingshan's body trembled subconsciously, and she gave a low "hmm".

"You just finished the operation, even if you are not sleepy, you should take a good rest."

"Ok, I know."

After lying on the bed for a while, Lu Yingshan still couldn't fall asleep. She bit her lip and asked a question that she was always curious about.

"Long Shifan, can you tell me about your business?"

(End of this chapter)

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