Paranoid male god depends on me

Chapter 884 He Can Still Remember Tonight

Chapter 884 He Can Still Remember Tonight

Can I have her?This question really shocked Xun Yunuo, who would ask such a question if he wanted to do something...

Xun Yunuo bit her lips shyly, but said nothing, even if she wanted to, she had to be reserved.

But today he is really strange, usually when he thinks about it, he wants her directly, and the two of them are tacitly attracted to each other, and they can't help but be in love with each other. Today, what does he mean by asking her like that?
In fact, Jin Chenyu asked this because he was afraid that she would dislike him. After all, she had just met Ke Yuze. If she had Ke Yuze in her heart, then she would definitely be disgusted by his demands, right?

He asked this question as a kind of test, to test whether she still has feelings for him.

If she agrees, then he is willing to believe that Xun Yunuo and Ke Yuze are just friends going for a walk and eating.

But if she disagrees, then she must have kicked him out of consideration by default, right?

Once a person doesn't want to be with you, he won't want to have intimate things with you.

He had no idea, this month was like a dream, maybe she was lonely, maybe she was hesitating between him and Ke Yuze.

But she still went to see Ke Yuze, and she still did it without telling him. Does it mean that she made a choice?Did she decide to choose Ke Yuze?
Obviously eager for answers, but afraid of hearing answers that I don't want to hear.

He was really scared, scared of her leaving him, scared of her being with someone else.

But at this moment, she nestled in his arms but didn't speak anymore. Was she unwilling to answer?

He stared at the woman in his arms in a daze, his brows and eyes were tender, and after an unknown amount of time, he finally couldn't help but bowed his head and kissed her lips.

Originally, he just wanted to kiss him superficially, but unexpectedly, she quickly bit his lips.

This action made his whole body tremble. It was undoubtedly a powerful medicine. In an instant, all the melancholy in his mind was thrown away, and he turned over and pressed on her body.

He kissed her pink lips, his movements were very light and gentle, as if he was caring for a treasure.

He was greedy for her, gentle and domineering. When he was intoxicated, he bit her shoulder in a daze.

"Ah—" Because of the pain, Xun Yunuo couldn't help crying out.

It was really painful, and she could feel the fluid dripping down her shoulder.

Hearing Xun Yunuo's cry, Jin Chenyu recovered from his trance and left her shoulder.

Only then did he realize that he had bitten her shoulder to the point of bleeding.

He immediately lowered his head and gently sucked the blood from her shoulder. After a while, his mouth was filled with the smell of blood.

He didn't bite her on purpose, but just now, a thought flooded his mind: he wanted to leave a mark on her, even... even if she left him in the end, she could still remember tonight.

Xun Yunuo was a little dazed. Although she felt pain, she didn't have the strength to get angry anymore. She murmured in a low voice, "Jin Chenyu, you're crazy, are you a vampire?"

Jin Chenyu's eyes were filled with distress, he was annoyed by his unconscious behavior just now, he pressed a kiss on her smooth forehead, and said in a deep and deep voice, "I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry, is it useful? Fortunately, it's not summer, otherwise I wouldn't even be able to wear off-the-shoulder clothes..." Before he could finish speaking, Xun Yunuo fell into a drowsy sleep.

Jin Chenyu opened the cabinet and took two band-aids to stick up the wound on her shoulder before he lay back beside her and held her in his arms.

She was drowsy, but he was not.

(End of this chapter)

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