Paranoid male god depends on me

Chapter 889 Unless You Let Me Take a Bite

Chapter 889 Unless You Let Me Take a Bite

It's not that he doesn't believe her, it's that he has no self-confidence, and he's really afraid of losing her again.

He regretted that he didn't trust her at the beginning, which led to a series of things he didn't want to happen.

But things have happened, all he can do now is to be better to her, in order to make up for her, he doesn't expect her forgiveness, he only wants her to live happily.

In fact, before Han Qin came back, he hated Han Qin to some extent. After all, she was the one who abandoned the family first and never contacted them after leaving.

He knew that his father had always loved his mother, and he also knew that Jin Dexiong had no feelings for his former stepmother, Qiao Lan.

But since Han Qin came back for a while, he also accepted her, after all, she was his biological mother.

He also knows that even now, his parents still love each other, and their every move reveals their affection for each other.

Han Qin told him a little bit about the past. There was a misunderstanding between Han Qin and Jin Dexiong back then, and both of them were arrogant at the time, and they divorced on impulse, and she left without saying goodbye.

Han Qin also said "I'm sorry" to him several times that day.

At that time, he didn't speak, but just glanced at Han Qin calmly, but this glance made his heart tremble suddenly.

Her vicissitudes of life, regretful eyes, and no longer young appearance made him unable to hate her.

Especially after knowing the past of Han Qin and Kim Dexiong.

Han Qin came back when Jin Dexiong was in a coma, and also after Xun Yunuo lost his memory.

At that time, Xun Yunuo was able to tell Han Qin's mobile phone number accurately, so they must have been in contact before.

So after Han Qin came back, he once asked Han Qin, and Han Qin said that the two of them met by chance, and then exchanged numbers.

If Han Qin had come back seven or eight years earlier, he would have been very young at that time, and it would have been difficult for him to forgive her.

But after going through those things later, he can still understand Han Qin.

He understands that doing some things is impulsive. There are many reasons for impulsiveness, such as self-esteem, pride, and experience...

He is for family reasons.

He used to think that his parents parted ways because they betrayed each other, and he was particularly sensitive to the word "betrayal" in his heart.

That's why when he saw the photo of Xun Yunuo lying in the arms of another man, he arbitrarily thought that Xun Yunuo had betrayed him and sentenced her in his heart.

Even though it's been so long, every time he thinks about it, he still blames himself and annoys him so much that his heart aches, the pain makes him tremble, and the pain makes it difficult to breathe.

He stared at Xun Yunuo, and slowly opened his mouth, "Xiao Nuo, I'm sorry."

Xun Yunuo was stunned, a little confused, why did he say sorry to her?

Oh, he was probably apologizing for biting her shoulder last night?

She touched the injured part, pretending to be angry and said to Jin Chenyu, "I don't accept your apology, unless you let me take a bite too."

"I'm not talking about what happened last night." Jin Chenyu said seriously, his sincere eyes fixed on Xun Yunuo, "I apologize for my distrust of you before, I apologize for hurting you before..."

She had heard his apology that night when she was pretending to be asleep that night, but he didn't say it to her face to face.

"Then why don't I say I won't forgive you?" Xun Yunuo pouted and snorted.

"It's okay." Jin Chenyu's eyes dimmed, and his words were tinged with sadness, "It doesn't matter if you don't forgive, as long as you..."

Halfway through speaking, he stretched out his hand to wrap her in his arms, and gently pressed his chin against her forehead.

"As long as I am what?" Xun Yunuo was taken aback by his sudden hug.

His warm voice sounded above his head, "as long as you are by my side."

A smile appeared on Xun Yunuo's face, and she stretched out her arms to wrap around his waist without making a sound.

(End of this chapter)

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