Paranoid male god depends on me

Chapter 894 As long as you stay away from her

Chapter 894 As long as you stay away from her
Jin Chenyu stopped the next words, coughed twice, and said, "It's not convenient for me to say, after all, you also know that I dare not make her unhappy."

Huo Shaojie on the other end of the phone paused for a moment, and then spoke in a tone of disappointment, "Brother Chen, if you know the news about Shanshan, you must tell me, she is definitely not as comfortable living outside as home alone, and also Not safe."

Xun Yunuo made up the knife mercilessly, "Don't worry, she's fine, as long as you stay away from her, she'll be fine."

At this time, Huo Shaojie was in Lu Yingshan's bedroom.

Since she was discharged from the hospital that day, he hadn't seen her again, and his longing was like wild weeds, which caught him off guard.

During this time, he kept calling and sending messages to Lu Yingshan, but she never replied to him once.

So he couldn't help but came to her apartment. He had the key here. Before entering the door, he thought she was at home, but after opening the door, he found that she was not there.

And seeing that the furniture was covered with a thin layer of dust, it must have been a while since I've been here.

Huo Shaojie had lived here several times, but they didn't share the same room, she slept in the master bedroom and he slept in the second bedroom.

He walked into her bedroom, and there was a photo of her beside the bed. In the photo, she smiled brightly like the sun.

He couldn't help picking up the photo, wiped the thin dust with his palm, and a bitter smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

He never thought that he would fall in love with Lu Yingshan who was like a buddy to him since he was a child, but things are so unpredictable that people are caught off guard.

In the days when he often met her, he didn't feel anything, but since she left his side, his heart began to panic.

He was afraid, afraid that he would not see her, afraid that she would never talk to him again, afraid that she would be with Long Shifan, afraid that he would not even be able to be friends in the future...

It was he who caused the loss of their child, and she should hate him, but every time she thinks of this, her heart hurts like being pricked by dense needles, so painful that she can't breathe.

He hated himself, if he hadn't been so excited at the time, he wouldn't have caused her to fall down the stairs, let alone a miscarriage.If she hadn't spoken so harshly to her back then, she would not have left herself, and she would not have been pregnant with his child but kept it from him because she was afraid that he would find out.

She must be afraid that he would not want this child, yes, after all, how cruel he said to her back then.

"Lu Yingshan, let me tell you, even if we get married, it's just a task. I don't love you, and you don't love me, so why do you care about me? Didn't we both agree before? We play our own way. "

He still remembered that she asked him choked with sobs, "Is all your kindness to me fake these days?"

But he replied without hesitation, "Lu Yingshan, you are stupid or stupid, you told me yourself, I coaxed you well, you will tell my parents to break the engagement with me, and I face You're better, it's good for me, I don't want my parents to stop me again."


For a moment, remorse and remorse welled up in his heart, he hugged his head in pain, and crouched in the corner.

After an unknown amount of time, he regained his composure, raised his head slightly, and caught a glimpse of a Barbie doll on the cabinet out of the corner of his eye. It was a gift he gave her a few years ago.

(End of this chapter)

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