Paranoid male god depends on me

Chapter 899 I Want To See Your Desperation And Sadness With My Own Eyes

Chapter 899 I Want To See Your Desperation And Sadness With My Own Eyes

It wasn't until he heard a sigh that Jin Chenyu realized that it was Han Qin's voice. He subconsciously got up and walked out, and saw Han Qin just walking to the door of Jin Dexiong's room.

"Mom, have you ever gone out?" Jin Chenyu asked subconsciously, because Han Qin usually wears home clothes at home, and at this time, he should usually wear pajamas.

"Yes, I went out for a while." Han Qin replied with a smile.

I don't know if it was Jin Chenyu's illusion, he felt that Han Qin's eyes seemed to be dodging, although he was a little surprised that Han Qin went out at this time, but he didn't think much, and turned back to the study.

After finishing his work, Jin Chenyu went back to the bedroom, took a shower, and lay down next to Xun Yunuo.

He was facing her sideways, and she seemed to be sleeping soundly, still dreaming, her long eyelashes fluttering gently.

It will be her birthday next month. He has prepared gifts for many years, but he can't wait to give them away. He can't wait for a month.
A week later, Xun Yunuo was filming a commercial in the studio when a call came from an unknown person. She subconsciously hung up and turned her phone to silent. It was probably some kind of fraudulent sales call.

But when Xun Yunuo unlocked the phone after filming the commercial, she found that the strange number had called her five times.

She thought, maybe it was someone who knew her, so she quickly called back.

The call was quickly connected, but the person on the other end of the line, unexpectedly, was Lin Xiaoxiao.

"Xiao Nuo, do you have time? Let's go out for a while, and I'll treat you to afternoon tea." Lin Xiaoxiao's voice seemed very attentive.

For some reason, Xun Yunuo actually wanted to laugh, but Lin Xiaoxiao took the initiative to buy her something to drink?
She wondered if Lin Xiaoxiao was going to poison her?After all, she was the one who asked the director to delete all her scenes. Lin Xiaoxiao must hate her to death, right?

But Lin Xiaoxiao asked for it herself, who asked her to mess with Xun Yunuo?Don't know if she has Jin Chenyu's thighs?I don't know if she won't be bored and wronged?
The corners of Xun Yunuo's lips twitched, showing a disdainful smile, imitating Lin Xiaoxiao's tone and saying, "Xiaoxiao, no need, thank you for your kindness, I'm on a diet and don't drink afternoon tea."

"Xiao Nuo, don't refuse me in a hurry, you don't think I really want to treat you to afternoon tea, do you? I'm looking for you on something."

Xun Yunuo frowned. Of course, she didn't think that Lin Xiaoxiao would really kindly invite her to have afternoon tea, but she didn't expect her to speak so directly, so she wouldn't beat around the bush. "If you have something to do, just call , I don't want to see you."

Lin Xiaoxiao sneered, "Xun Yunuo, do you think I want to see you? I just want to see you sad and desperate."

Xun Yunuo's fingertips holding the phone trembled slightly, what did Lin Xiaoxiao mean by that?Seeing her desperate and sad look with your own eyes?It's really inexplicable.

For some reason, a bad premonition came to her heart, which made her a little uneasy.

"Xun Yunuo, why are you silent? Are you scared?" Seeing that Xun Yunuo was silent, Lin Xiaoxiao said unfriendly again.

"It's really naive, do you think I will cooperate with your aggressive method?" Xun Yunuo snorted, but the uneasiness in his heart did not diminish, because Lin Xiaoxiao's tone was so determined, as if he would really do what she said Sad and hopeless.

(End of this chapter)

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