Zombie little milk dog he is not good

Chapter 411 Belongs to us, sooner or later we will get a chapter

Chapter 411 Belongs to us, we will get it back sooner or later
She believed that one day, Gu Jiang would agree to her being with Di Du.

It's just that I didn't expect that this day will never come.

She couldn't accept all this, she had a nervous breakdown, closed herself, and was unwilling to communicate with anyone.

In the dream, what happened in the previous life is what happened in the present reality, and the reborn life is just her dream, the dream of her insanity after she went crazy.

How ridiculous all this looks.

Gu Shili suffocated when he thought of Di Du and Di Qianqian.

A'Du, Qianqian——

I, Gu Shili, am sorry for you.

And her friends in the dream... some may have them, some may not.

Seeing that Gu Shili's complexion was not very good, Sheng You said worriedly: "Shi...Sheng Li, do you feel uncomfortable and can't eat?"

Gu Shili slowly pulled back his thoughts, raised his eyes to meet his gaze, "Xiao Er, don't worry about me, I'm really fine."

Sheng You was still not at ease, "Oh, I'm afraid it's just a dream, I'm afraid you'll be back to your original state in the blink of an eye."

Gu Shili smiled: "No, now... I can accept it."

Sheng You hesitated to speak, but he didn't say anything.

After a while, he said dryly: "Suddenly, I feel that both of us are so miserable, and we are also people who cannot be tolerated by our close relatives."

Gu Shili ate some liquid food from the dinner plate and said it was liquid food. It felt similar to pig food before the end of the world. Maybe even pigs ate better than her.

It doesn't matter what you eat when you are insane, but now once you recover, it always feels a little hard to swallow.

She just took two casual bites and then stopped moving.

"It's okay, Xiao Er, what belongs to us...will get it back sooner or later."

Her tone was firm, even if she was dirty all over, she couldn't hide her elegance.

People passing by are attracted unconsciously, and the rate of returning is extremely high.

After Gu Shili said this, he restrained his momentum again.It's better to keep a low profile here.

Sheng You's eyes lit up when he heard the words: "This is the time I met!"

Gu Shili smiled, his eyes narrowed slowly, half concealing the depth of his eyes.

Xiaoer is a robot, but he has another identity. He is now the younger brother of the robot leader Sheng Mu, Sheng Er.

It is said that one mountain cannot accommodate two tigers, and Sheng Er lost to Sheng Mu in the competition for the position of robot leader, so he naturally became an outlier that the robot family could not tolerate.

It was a coincidence that Sheng Er became Gu Shili's smart terminal, because he was really picked up by Gu Shili.

Just this matter, he never said his identity, and she never asked his identity.

It wasn't until Gu Shili collapsed and had an accident that Sheng Er was forced to come out and enter a robot body, leading Gu Shili to escape crazily.

It's a good choice for the alliance to garrison the base, but Sheng Er can't reveal his strength. The delirious Gu Shili can only take care of himself, and he can't do anything else.

The situation of the two of them could only hide, so Sheng You could only take Gu Shili to the agricultural planting base under the alliance garrison base.

The alliance people attach great importance to the planting industry on the blue star. They don't know how to plant, so they invite the creatures on the blue star to plant.

It's just that ordinary people or robots, who will come to the alliance to be wronged?And those who come here are basically ordinary people who are guilty and unable to gain a foothold on the Blue Star side.

These people are probably the slaves of the Alliance people on Blue Star.

(End of this chapter)

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