Zombie little milk dog he is not good

Chapter 421 Gu Shili's Little Conspiracy

Chapter 421 Gu Shili's Little Conspiracy

However, as Gu Shili's former terminal intelligence, and helping Gu Shili manage a company as big as SL Group, the relationship between the two of them is naturally needless to say.

Gu Shili has space, just enough food and clothing every day.

After finishing her work, she didn't go to Xiao Er immediately, but opened the terminal to check some things.

She slowly narrowed her peach blossom eyes, and a playful smile was drawn on the corners of her lips.

She still remembers what happened this morning.

No one has ever let her suffer, I'm really sorry, she is Chi Guoguo's character of vengeance.

Apart from……

Her eyes darkened.

She really never thought that one day, Gu Shili would fall into the hands of the person she respected and trusted the most.

For the sake of rights, can everything be buried?

Even his own daughter can be eradicated by himself.

Gu Shili thought of Di Qianqian...

The little guy looks very cute, and his mouth looks like it has been smeared with honey.

If she was allowed to treat Di Qianqian like this for her own benefit... she never thought about it at all.

That's my daughter, how could it be?how can that be possible?
Can't think about it anymore, can't think about it anymore.

Gu Shili closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

She will take back all the things she gave up...

Didn't he root her out for that position?
If it is done, then she will sit in that position!
Gu Shili's eyes slowly opened, and a hint of depth flashed through his peach blossom eyes.

She raised her jaw slightly, her profile face was graceful, her swan neck was slender and fair, and her collarbone was delicate and beautiful.

The whole thing seemed to be dazzlingly white, and there were frequent glances from people nearby.

Gu Shili picked up the hoe, turned around and walked slowly in one direction.

The sun is three or four o'clock, a little dazzling and a little warm.

Fortunately, the sun was scorching, otherwise no one would be able to keep working.

The shadow swayed slowly at random steps, slender and thin.


Gu Shili knew that her appearance was a bit eye-catching, so she changed into low-key clothes, then stood in a corner and waited for Sha Tingting and Ning Yi to finish their work.

Generally speaking, these two people usually finish their work around five o'clock, then go back to eat and go to the dormitory.

If it's just food and clothing, the time to work in a day is fairly easy.

If you want other things, you have to do more work, and exchange the number of seeds you dig for other things.

What is said here is fair and fair, and what is not fair is naturally unfair.

In fact, these liquid foods were all transported from outside Blue Star, because... Blue Star really couldn't find such unpalatable food.

Even compressed biscuits are a hundred times more delicious than it.

In the beginning, some people may not be able to accept it, but compared to hunger, this is nothing.

Over time, everyone became numb.

Gu Shili stood where the supervisor could not see, and waited for about an hour or two.

Sha Tingting and Ning Yi picked up the hoe and finally left.

The corners of Gu Shili's lips raised slightly, and the opportunity came.

In fact, she usually doesn't behave like a villain, but... she is not anymore.

How to be happy.

After Gu Shili waited for them to leave, he raised his hand slightly, and a blue flame suddenly flashed.

She softly spit out a word, "Go."

The blue flame suddenly became transparent, escaped countless monitoring, and suddenly divided into two, two into four, and countless parts.

Then it suddenly fell into the ground and disappeared completely.

Gu Shili waited for a while, then uttered another word lightly, "Take it."

After a while, the blue flame returned to her hand unsteadily.

 It's noon:

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(End of this chapter)

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