Chapter 428 Lord Charlie
"Master Mark, people are already here." The supervisor changed his arrogance in front of Gu Shili, lowered his head, and spoke respectfully.

Mark raised his head, glanced at Gu Shili, his pupils shrank slightly.

This woman is really pretty.

He reacted and lowered his head and coughed, "Okay, you can go to work."

The supervisor didn't miss Mark's astonishing gaze, thinking that it was so.

Pretty girls get too much attention everywhere, but as for the future, tsk tsk, that's unknown.

The supervisor said a word and left.

Mark looked at Gu Shili, and he couldn't believe that the girl in front of him was the one that Lord Charlie was about to fancy.

After all, the other party looks too beautiful. If he hadn't thought of Mr. Charlie's strict character, he would have thought that Mr. Charlie had taken a fancy to her.

"You are number 7436454?"

This string of familiar Gu Shili sounds awkward, she paused, met Mark's gaze, "My lord, my name is Sheng Li."

Mark nodded, "Master Charlie is waiting for you in the office, come with me."

Gu Shili didn't move, and smiled: "Master Charlie?"

Mark frowned. Before he could speak, Gu Shili continued to speak: "Is it the adult who communicated with me yesterday?"

Mark thought he would see Gu Shili's ecstatic expression, but he didn't expect the other party to be indifferent, and he didn't seem to know Mr. Charlie?
how can that be!

He took a closer look at the other party's expression and found that it didn't look like a fake.

There are really people who don't know... Lord Charlie.

Mark looked at Gu Shili with rather complicated eyes, "That's right, it's Mr. Charlie you communicated with yesterday."

Gu Shili snorted, and instead of being happy, his expression was slightly sad, "Then please lead the way."

Hey, today is another day of no money.

Mark took a meaningful look, and in the end he didn't say much, and strode ahead.


"Knock Knock Knock-"


"Master Charlie, people are coming."

Charlie put down the things in his hands and looked up at the two of them.

"Come on, sit down as you please."

Gu Shili nodded and politely said thank you.

Her eyes fell on Charlie, open and unabashed.

Charlie is in a high position, so the aura of his body should not be underestimated. Unlike the Blue Star executives, this person has more of an awe-inspiring and murderous aura.

Even though Gu Shili had restrained himself a little in the face of Gu Shili, there was still majesty.

However, Gu Shili was still able to hold on, with his back straight, and his calm attitude made Charlie nod secretly.

"Ma'am, are you ready?"

Gu Shili smiled slightly, "Master Charlie must have understood in his heart that I can appear here."

Charlie laughed, and then pushed the tester on the table, "In this case, let us see how talented you are."

"Talent?" Gu Shili stared at the metal ball-like thing, narrowing his peach blossom eyes slightly, "I don't understand what it means, please two adults can explain a little bit."

Her tone was very polite and polite, and she was not annoyed by the other party's sudden request.

In fact, it was quite normal, after all, she didn't even know what Master Charlie was looking for in her.

Could it be that her identity has been exposed, and she knows Gu Shili, the daughter of the leader of human beings?

Otherwise, she couldn't figure out what the other party was looking for in her.

If you don't know her real identity, but only know that she is a supernatural being, then there are too many supernatural beings on Blue Star, so why treat her differently?
(End of this chapter)

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