Zombie little milk dog he is not good

Chapter 447 You Are Not Convinced

Chapter 447 You Are Not Convinced
Clivell glanced at her, "You can tell from your appearance that you want to play tricks. Since you have come to me, put away all your tricks. Listen to my orders carefully. If you want to resist, then leave here. I will never hold back."

Gu Shili: "..."

She gritted her teeth secretly, she has never been threatened by anyone like Gu Shili! ?

Think of her as the richest man...

Thinking of this, her eyes dimmed.

Alas, forget it.

What a broken rich man, she is just a bereaved dog who was hunted down by her biological father.

Who could be more concerned than her?

A gleam of light flashed in Gu Shili's eyes. She never admits defeat. Since she is still alive, she must live well.

Gu Shili lowered his head and replied, "Don't worry, I'll go to training right away."

"You're not convinced?"

Clivell's voice came faintly.

Gu Shili raised his head and twitched the corners of his lips, "What joke is the instructor talking about? How can you tell that I'm not convinced?"

"Your eyes, your nose, your mouth, and even your whole face are telling me that you are not convinced."

Gu Shili sighed suddenly, with a heartbroken look that you have wronged me, "Instructor, you must be dazzled, I am just a little tired after practicing for more than an hour."


"It's true."

"Okay, let's go to practice."

"Okay, I'll go right away. If there is anything I don't understand, I hope the instructor will give me some advice."

After Gu Shili finished speaking, he turned around and walked forward.

"and many more--"

Gu Shili stopped, and turned slightly to look at Clivell with doubts in his eyes.

I saw him touching the translator on his ear, frowning and muttering: "Is your blue star people's writing so convoluted? Be more straightforward next time, even if the translation is translated, I won't understand what it means. "

Gu Shili let out a groan, "Instructor, what I mean is that if I don't know something, please help me and explain it to me. Is this clear enough?"

Clivell frowned this time, and hurriedly urged, "Okay, there is not much time left, hurry up and practice."

Gu Shili nodded, turned around and walked in front of the red mecha, looking at the mecha still lying on the ground, feeling a little helpless.

She definitely can't support such a big thing by herself, so...how she got out, she got in.

She bent down and crawled on the ground, entering the cockpit with difficulty.

It is much slower to go in than to come out, after all, the posture is very weird.

In retrospect, I struggled to find the seat belt in this small space, and after some struggle, I finally put it on.

She maintained a strange posture, and then reached out to press the button that closed the hatch.

There was a slight sound, and the hatch closed.

Gu Shili looked sideways at those buttons, and quickly thought of various countermeasures in his mind, how can the mecha stand up again quickly.

She began to drill in her mind, and after pushing to N sequences, she finally found a feasible solution.

Gu Shili sank down, touched those buttons with difficulty, and quickly pressed them in the order in his mind.

Suddenly, the mecha started to move, and slowly got up from the ground like a person.

During this period, everything went smoothly without any mistakes.

When Gu Shili saw that the field of view of the display screen became wider, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, there was no mistake this time, and at least I didn't embarrass myself in front of the instructor.

Clivell stood in the distance, watching the red mecha successfully stand up all at once, not showing it on his face but secretly surprised in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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