Saint Qin Batu

Chapter 415 Repairing Nascent Soul

Chapter 415 Repairing Nascent Soul
The sudden great fortune of the nation plunged Ying Zheng and Ji Hao into doubts at the same time.

Compared to Ji Hao who only relied on his innate sensitivity to perceive the growth of the national destiny, Ying Zheng, as the controller of the Qin State's national destiny, was able to experience the power of the national destiny as if he had personally experienced it.

Compared with the already huge national fortune, the increased national fortune this time is not too much, but it is definitely not much.

If you insist on making a comparison, it may be similar to Zhao's national fortune back then.

"Teacher, do you know why the fortune of the country has grown so much?" Ying Zheng asked seriously, looking at Ji Hao who was at the side.

"You are the master of the Qin Kingdom. Is it possible that a teacher knows better than you?" Ji Hao said with a wry smile.

"It's disciple Meng Lang." Ying Zheng said with some disappointment.

"Someone is here..." Ji Hao was about to say a few more words of relief, but then his figure flashed and disappeared.

"His Majesty!"

Outside the closed palace door, a slightly excited voice sounded.

"What's the matter?"

Ying Zheng frowned, glanced at the eunuchs and maids who were lying on the ground, and asked directly instead of letting anyone from outside the palace enter.

"Happy news! General Wang Ben of Shangjun defeated the 40 Huns who controlled strings and killed Touman Shanyu. Now he is chasing and killing the Xiongnu's rout!"

"The Huns, the Huns..."

Ying Zheng murmured softly, but his eyes became brighter and brighter.

"Could it be that the reason for the great increase in national luck this time is because of defeating the Huns?"

Once such an idea appeared, it deeply occupied Ying Zheng's mind.

"I know..."

When the figures outside the hall disappeared, Ji Hao's figure reappeared in front of Ying Zheng.

After being silent for a long time, Ji Hao trembled slightly, and said to Ying Zheng: "Thinking about it, this increased national fortune should belong to the Huns!"

Ying Zheng walked slowly to the sword stand, gently stroked the ancient Tianwen sword, but closed his eyes again.

During the time of knowing the sea, nine bright blue rays of light glowed slightly on the surface of the silent sea.

Perhaps the influence of the power of heaven on Yingzheng is much smaller, or the power of Jiuding has been strengthened a lot because of the luck of annexing the Huns this time.

In short, the overwhelming power before, at this moment, appeared to be balanced again.


The dim sky and the disappearing stars seem to show their light again at this moment.

Under the control of Yingzheng, the fate of the country in the Nine Cauldrons and the power of the two stones that surrendered to Yingzheng immediately launched an impact on the power of heaven in Yingzheng.


The three huge forces made Yingzheng's Nascent Soul, which had already begun to collapse, collapse a little faster.

But even so, Ying Zheng didn't have the slightest intention to stop.

"Crack! Kick! Kick!"

The speed at which the Nascent Soul collapsed was almost visible to the naked eye.Beads of sweat also appeared on Ying Zheng's forehead.However, Ying Zheng still didn't stop.


A cyan light suddenly shone into Ying Zheng's dantian.A black gas immediately wrapped around Ying Zheng's shattered Nascent Soul.

The black gas, like confetti, was attracted by Yingzheng's Nascent Soul, and it started to repair Yingzheng's Nascent Soul at an incredible speed.

However, unlike the original Nascent Soul, the Nascent Soul repaired by the black gas has not been able to return to its original appearance.

What's more important is that on the small cheek, something like a dragon's horn grew out.


Ying Zheng let out a sigh of relief, opened his eyes, and said with a little regret: "It seems that even with the increase in national luck, it is still a lot worse to restore the Nascent Soul..."

The Tianwen sword on the sword stand has lost the black mist and humming. It seems to have returned to its original appearance, and it has become an ordinary saber.


Ying Zheng pulled out the Tianwen sword from its scabbard, the icy light was even more glaring under the ever-burning lamp.

"However, I will never wait to be killed!"

"Are you planning to attack foreign people?" Ji Hao couldn't help asking softly when he saw Ying Zheng's killing intent.

A slight smile appeared on the corner of Ying Zheng's mouth, and he said, "To tell you the truth, my disciple got a piece of Baiyue's secret treasure in South Korea more than ten years ago."

"However, there has just been a turmoil in the empire. Is it a bit of a loss to do so?"

"The disciple will take care of these people, soon..."

Seeing Ying Zheng's resolute appearance, Ji Hao didn't say anything more, just nodded slightly.

"Oh, by the way, I forgot to tell you." When Ji Hao turned around and was about to leave, as if thinking of something again, he said, "I'm afraid, in the future, there will be another senior brother who needs you to take care of him."


Ying Zheng frowned slightly. In his memory, he seemed to have never heard Ji Hao say, what kind of senior brother is there.

"Teacher, don't worry!"

"That's good..." Ji Hao breathed out, then turned around with a smile, and said helplessly, "I should look for that child again."


A few days later, the detailed military report urgently sent by Shangjun finally landed on Yingzheng's desk.

Since the material for writing the battle report was changed from heavy bamboo slips to light paper, this time the battle report, Wang Ben wrote more than twice as much as before.

And since Jun Jiuyou attacked Touman, more than 2 Qin troops and [-] Tianjin troops, under the leadership of Li Mu, found the Xiongnu royal court in only two days.

After that, it took no effort to completely occupy everything in the royal court.

Now it is deep winter, and the temperature difference between day and night on the grassland is huge. It is impossible for people or horses to really spend a few nights on the grassland.

Those Huns who fled also knew that without the royal court's cattle, sheep and tents, they would never even think about or go back to the depths of the grassland.Therefore, most of the defeated Huns gathered around the royal court, ready to wait for an opportunity.

However, the new defeat of the Xiongnu was a time when morale was low, and there was no absolute authoritative leader. Although there were a large number of people, they were all scattered.On the other hand, the Qin army, in addition to the cavalry, added tens of thousands of infantry to guard the royal court, including more than ten complete nine-headed Gouyu.

The Huns hesitated, and the powerful and aggressive defense of the Qin people made them dare not attack the royal court at all.

However, the Qin people were not idle either.Li Mu, who knew the Huns very well, set up countless cattle and sheep outside the royal court two days later, cooking them day and night.

The tempting fragrance and warm flame made the hungry and cold Huns desperate.

After tens of thousands of corpses were left behind, the Huns completely collapsed.The Huns under the grassland rules chose to surrender to the strong and food.

Daqin had more than [-] more captives.Or rather, a slave.

(End of this chapter)

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