Saint Qin Batu

Chapter 420

Chapter 420

After the Battle of Dongjun, the strength of the peasant family, which was far superior to the factions in the rivers and lakes, suddenly shrank by more than half.Hundreds of thousands of disciples were killed to pieces.

However, just when the world thought that the empire would withdraw its troops and return to Guanzhong after the Dongjun rebellion was quelled, Prince Fusu went south again with an army of [-].

Just three days later, they had already marched to Xue County in a hurry.

"Unexpectedly, Prince Fusu found the Trick City so quickly. The power of Luo Wang and Shadow Secret Guards is really terrifying." Inside the Trick City, Master Ban said with some worry.

"Although the [-] army is large in number, the organ city is easy to defend and difficult to attack. It is not so easy to break into." Xiang Liang on the side said with relief.

After Mount Tai's assassination, the members of the Xiang clan united with the Mohists again in order to resist the empire.

"It's good that the mechanism city is easy to defend and difficult to attack. Fusu would not be so stupid as to fill up the mechanism city with the lives of [-] soldiers. But..."

As the number one staff member of the Xiang clan, Fan Zeng had some concerns.

"The strongest castle is breached from the inside. Fusu's [-] soldiers are at most just a feint attack. The real danger is still inside."

At this time, a deep voice sounded from behind them.Wei Zhuang, whose face was slightly pale, and a group of people in the quicksand walked in.

"Mr. Wei Zhuang." Everyone present greeted Wei Zhuang politely.

In this life, apart from the death of the former tycoon Liuzhi Heixia, Wei Zhuang and the Mohists did not have much overlap.Right now, everyone has a common enemy, and even the death of the Black Man with Six Fingers was forcibly suppressed by Yan Dan.

"Mr. Wei Zhuang is saying that Luo Wang or Shadow Secret Guard will take advantage of our opportunity to fight the Qin army and sneak into the organ city?" Xiang Liang couldn't help asking.

"Take this opportunity? Hehe!" Wei Zhuang showed a look of disdain.Xiang Liang, who asked this question, was a little embarrassed.

"What Xiaozhuang means is that there are already people from the empire in the Mohist organ city." Gai Nie, dressed in white, also appeared in the stone room at some point.

After Taishan's assassination, Jimo, Weizhuang's largest stronghold, was completely wiped out by the Qin army.And Wei Zhuang, who was seriously injured, was also taken directly to the Mohist Trick City by Guiguzi.

Similarly, the two seriously injured people finally met again after several days of treatment.

However, the only difference is that after the injury, Wei Zhuang's strength was greatly reduced, but Gai Nie, who seemed to break through before standing up, actually broke through the innate realm.Really surprising.

"What!" Class Master was surprised, "You have already mixed into the Trick City?"

"Hmph! Otherwise, do you think the location of the organ city is really so easy to expose?" Wei Zhuang said with a sneer.


Just as Master Ban was about to summon the Mohist disciples to investigate one by one, a disciple's voice came from outside the stone room.

"Nongjia Lie Shantang Tianyan asks to see the giant!"


Everyone couldn't help showing a look of doubt, and at the same time, their expressions were not too good.

At the same time as Mount Tai's assassination, the farmer raised troops hastily and did not inform them of the Mo family. Now that they were defeated, they came to them again. It is obvious that there is a feeling of ungratefulness.

"No matter what, let's see each other first." Gao Jianli, who has a relatively calm personality, said before the big hammer, Robo Zhi and others opened their mouths.

"That's fine, now that the giant has yet to return to the north. The organ city is facing such a big crisis, so it's good to be able to unite some forces." Master Ban also nodded and said.

Immediately, Gao Jianli looked at Wei Zhuang and Gai Nie again.

Although Gao Jianli doesn't like these two people from the bottom of his heart.However, both Wei Zhuang and Gai Nie are existences that cannot be ignored in terms of strength or resourcefulness.

"Brother, what do you think?" Wei Zhuang chuckled, and looked at Gai Nie who was beside him.

"This is the Mohist organ city, of course I obey Master Ban." Gai Nie replied flatly.

As early as Dongjun, Gan Luo guessed that the farm family would join hands with the Mo family again.However, what Gan Luo didn't expect was that only Tian Yan came from the farm this time.

Or to be more precise, it was Tian Yan and her younger brother Tian Ci.

"Nongjia Tianyan, I have met you all!"

After hiding in Tibet for a few days, Tian Yan's already unhappy face became even more ugly.However, there is still a hint of wisdom in the voice.

"Hmph, the farm family is really in decline. Did you just send a weak little girl here?" Robo Zhi, who had no intention of speaking at the side, couldn't help but sneered.

"What did you say!"

However, before Tian Yan could reply, Tian Ci on the side got angry first.The scarlet murderous aura immediately permeated the stone chamber.

In this world, Tian Yan is the only one who can really restrain Tian Ci. On the contrary, Tian Yan is the one who can drive Tian Ci into madness the fastest.Obviously, what Robo Zhi said just now angered Tian Ci.

"Ah Ci!" Tian Yan sipped lightly first, then bowed respectfully to the farmer and said, "Ah Ci is young and ignorant, I hope you don't take offense."

"Of course..." Robber Zhi smiled awkwardly and said.

Most of the great murderous aura before was directed at him, and the innate peak strength made Robber Zhi almost bite off his tongue in fright.

"Tian Yan came here this time to help the Mo family defend the organ city, and to tell you a piece of news."

"Really?" Wei Zhuang looked at Tian Yan and smiled.

Tian Yan stared at Wei Zhuang's eyes as deep as a falcon, and said lightly: "Devil May Cry, and Mr. Ghost Mask, all of them belong to the empire!"


Everyone present couldn't help but be surprised. After the farm raised troops, there was a gap between the two families, so the Mo family didn't know that the farm was tricked by Han Fei.

"This person is sinister and cunning. The trip to Mount Tai seems to be perfect. However, there is one point in fact, which is extremely critical..."

"The strength of Ying Zheng!" Wei Zhuang and Gai Nie said at the same time.

"That's right!" Tian Yan nodded, and said, "As the emperor, it is almost impossible for Yingzheng to make a move. Mr. Wei Zhuang's strength has surpassed his innate strength, but he did not expect that Yingzheng's strength is even higher. He is extremely confident in his strength. He will definitely be the most trusted person around Ying Zheng!"

Inside the stone room, fell into a moment of silence.Everyone couldn't help but guess the identity of the ghost face.

"Hey, no matter what, let's wait for the giant to come back first. Let's talk after we get over the difficulties in front of us..." Master Ban sighed softly and said.

At the same time, Yan Dan, who learned of the crisis in the organ city, also rushed all the way, and beside him, there was a white-haired elder in Taoist robes.

(End of this chapter)

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