Saint Qin Batu

Chapter 426

Chapter 426 Map of Baiyue
The vanguard general was chosen as if it was a child's play.

However, everyone present, no matter whether they were civil servants or generals, did not dare to complain.In addition to Ying Zheng's majesty, Ren Xiao's age and achievements made them unable to find any reason to object.

The weather is getting colder and colder. It will take some time to get from Xianyang to Changsha County.Therefore, Ren Xiao hardly stopped and set off the next day.

Although most of the Qin army in the Southern Expedition were from Changsha County, since the generals were all elites selected from Xianyang, their combat power is still beyond doubt.

What's more, when the Han-Chu allied forces fought against Baiyue, Baiyue was not their opponent.Not to mention fighting against the well-equipped Qin army.

So when the Qin army marched towards Nanling, those Baiyue who couldn't even find some decent weapons were no match for the Qin army at all.

Even those cottages are like paper in front of the Gongshu family's organ beasts.

However, considering the problem of food supply, although Ren Xiao's attack speed was very fast, the attack area seemed a bit narrow.

However, although Baiyue is on the frontal battlefield, it is not the enemy of the Qin army.However, after all, few soldiers of the Qin Army lived in the mountains and forests.

Relying on their familiarity with the mountains and forests, the soldiers of Baiyue were always able to give the Qin army a sneak attack in the dark.

These sneak attacks did not cause much loss to the Qin army, but they seriously affected the Qin army's rest.At the same time, the ubiquitous sneak attacks are also a spiritual torture to the soldiers of the Qin army.

As time passed day by day, the weather gradually warmed up.The originally withered trees also began to gradually return to life.

Those snakes, insects, rats and ants that had disappeared for a season also slowly recovered.The miasma in the mountains and forests began to spread again.

In Xianyang, letters from Baiyue were quietly placed on Yingzheng's desk.

"Father, General Ren has lived up to his trust and has already defeated the main forces of Yang Yue, Han Yue, and Wu Yue.

It's just that it's almost summer.The weather is getting hotter and hotter. Many soldiers, especially the generals, are mostly from Guanzhong. The difference in winter is not too big. When summer comes, many soldiers may fall ill.

Moreover, Mitsukoshi is undeterred and often sneaks up on the imperial army. If things go on like this, I am afraid it will shake the morale of the army..."

Under the main hall, Li Si, Wei Liao, Feng Jie and other important officials were all present.And Fusu, who was reporting to Yingzheng, was obviously very familiar with the Baiyue war, and could tell everything in detail.

Seeing that Fusu was becoming more and more proficient, Yingzheng nodded with satisfaction, but then said, "You still missed one thing. When summer comes, food and grass in the army will be a big problem."

Baiyue is different from the Central Plains in that it has a relatively mild climate. Although Baiyue's winter is just as cold, it rarely snows.

Therefore, the road in the mountains is actually easier to walk.However, as the weather gets hotter, there must be more rain in the mountains and forests.

The mountain road is already difficult to walk, and once it rains, it will be even more difficult to transport food.

Fusu lowered his head slightly, pretending to be listening attentively.

It is the most basic common sense for military strategists to go ahead without moving food and grass.Even if you are not a soldier, you will be familiar with this truth.How could Fusu really not notice?

In private, after more than one discussion with his first aide, Chen Ping, Fusu came to the conclusion that he had to build roads or canals, otherwise, food and grass would be difficult to get through.

However, whether it is building roads or building canals, it is not an easy task.Huge manpower and material resources, even Fusu now has a lot of power, can't make a decision.

Above the main hall, after a moment of silence, Ying Zheng finally spoke.

"How is the construction of the straight road between Linzi and Shouchun?" Ying Zheng asked, looking at Li Si who was on the side.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, with the 20 Xiongnu slaves, the repairs can be completed by the fall of this year." Li Si cupped his hands and said.

In order to build roads between counties, the empire conscripted a total of 30 people.And those Huns were all mobilized to build the road between Linzi and Shouchun.

Obviously, Ying Zheng had plans from the very beginning.

"Among the civilian husbands recruited from all over the country, 15 people were selected, moved to their families, and went parallel to the land of Baiyue. Build channels for the transportation of grain and grass!"

"Your Majesty, building waterways is not a one-day effort. Is it too early to recruit so many civilians?" Li Si frowned slightly and said.

As the head of a hundred officials, especially after Feng Quji stayed in the capital, Li Si had much more opportunities to get in touch with government affairs than before.

I don't know if it's a delusion or what, but Li Si always feels that whether it's the Xiongnu or Baiyue, Yingzheng will always show special concern when it comes to these foreigners.

And amidst this concern, Li Si also vaguely sensed a trace of nervousness or anxiety.

"The excavation of the Lingqu Canal is by no means a one-day effort, and it requires continuous investigation of hydrology. Just like this, it will take at least two or three years. When the hydrological survey is completed, presumably, the direct roads between the counties will be soon. The construction is complete." Li Si said with a frown.

Although he somewhat disobeyed Ying Zheng's will, he still had to say, otherwise, once these more than [-] civilian husbands and the larger family members arrived in Baiyue, doing nothing would be the next best thing, and the heavier food and grass would be the next best thing. Top priority.

"Zhen, don't you know about this?" Ying Zheng's majestic voice made Li Si's back glow.

"Your minister is reckless!" Li Si quickly knelt down and saluted.

Ying Zheng looked at Li Si who was kneeling on the ground, and after a slight silence for two or three seconds, he said, "Get up, I know your difficulties."

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

"Your Majesty, Lord Zheng Guo and General Li have arrived." At this moment, a eunuch's voice came from the entrance of the main hall.


Soon, Zheng Guo and a middle-aged general walked into the hall together.

Zheng Guo, everyone present has seen it before.On the contrary, General Li who was standing next to Zheng Guo made everyone take a second look.

Because, what he was wearing was the standard armor of the Heavenly Extremity Army, and the grade was not low.

Without waiting for the two to salute, Ying Zheng said directly to Zheng Guo, "Aiqing has been famous all over the world since Zheng Guoqu. However, I still need to trouble Aiqing with one thing."

"It is my honor to serve His Majesty." Zheng Guogong said respectfully, cupping his hands.

"In the land of Baiyue, food and grass are hard to come by. I want to build a canal to transport food to the hands of various armies. This is a big deal, manpower, and I have already prepared it for Aiqing. If Aiqing is nothing important , we will start in a few days." Ying Zheng looked at Zheng Guo and said.

After Zheng Guo heard about it, he was taken aback for a moment, and then he said in a panic, "Your Majesty, building a canal is not something to be taken lightly, especially hydrological survey..."

Zheng Guo hadn't finished speaking when he was interrupted by Ying Zheng waving his hand.

"General Li, no one in the Great Qin Army is more familiar with the land of Baiyue than you. May I entrust this matter to you?"

"Li Kai compares his strength to death!" Li Kai said a little excitedly.

Ten years have passed, and Li Kai, after being reunited with his wife and daughter, not only did not grow old, but he seemed to be living younger and younger. People in their 50s still look like they are in their 40s.

"Crack! Crack!"

Ying Zheng clapped his hands lightly.The eunuch, who had been preparing for a long time, respectfully held up a roll of exquisite paper books, and slowly presented them in front of everyone.

"Father, this is..." Fu Su glanced at the paper book lightly, and saw that the words on the cover were vaguely related to Baiyue.

"This is the map of Baiyue that I obtained from South Korea more than ten years ago. It was originally composed of several volumes of bamboo slips, written by former Huo Yugong, which recorded all the landscapes and features of the land of Baiyue and thousands of miles away.

Not only that, but on this book, there are records of detoxification of poisonous insects and miasma in the mountains and forests.Now, I ordered people to translate all the content on the bamboo slips into Qin Zhuan.Presumably, this thing will be of great benefit to the empire's war in Baiyue! "

(End of this chapter)

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