Saint Qin Batu

Chapter 432

Chapter 432
In late autumn, the setting sun disappears above the horizon.The western sky still has a ray of setting sun like fire, but the eastern sky has already begun to glow with a little bit of starlight.


A soft sound rang in Ying Zheng's ear, causing Ying Zheng's face to change drastically.

As if sensing something, Ying Zheng suddenly stood up and walked towards the gate of the palace.

In the west, at the last moment when the setting sun was about to disappear, a dazzling spot of light appeared in Ying Zheng's eyes through the clouds.

"Come here!" Ying Zheng said in a cold voice, "I heard about the Moon God, the left protector of the Yin Yang family!"


The one who responded was not the eunuch, but a secret shadow guard in crimson military uniform.

As time passed, the sky became darker and darker, but the dazzling light in the sky became more and more dazzling.The entire land of China seemed to be illuminated by its light.

"Is it possible that everything I have done is still in the calculation of Heaven?"

Ying Zheng's expression was a bit ugly. If this was the case, wouldn't his plan be more risky then?
That light streaked across the sky, leaving a beautiful arc from west to east.

"His Majesty……"

There was a hint of coldness in the gentle voice.Luna looked at Ying Zheng's back, looking a little complicated.

Nearly 30 years have passed since we met. However, time does not seem to have left many traces on Ying Zheng's face.

Today, he still looks young and majestic, with a sharp edge all over his body.

"How much time do I have left?" Ying Zheng looked at Moon God and asked calmly.

"You know?" Luna frowned slightly inadvertently.

Ying Zheng nodded, and after a moment of silence, he said, "After Mount Tai was enshrined in Zen, there was a problem with my Nascent Soul. However, in the past few months, it seems that the speed of collapse has become faster and faster."

"What are you going to do?"

Unexpectedly, after Ying Zheng admitted, the original trace of worry in Luna's eyes disappeared.Instead, there was a touch of firmness.

Ying Zheng was a little surprised by Luna's attitude.However, a smile appeared on the corner of Ying Zheng's mouth immediately.

After so many years, although the time spent with Moon God is much less than that of Mi Zheng and Ji Li, the one who knows him best is still Moon God.

"I plan to hand over the country to Fusu in advance, and leave time to fight against this day!" Ying Zheng said, turning his head and glanced at the traces that had not yet disappeared in the sky.

Moon God also raised his head, but his eyes stopped on the still dazzling Emperor Star.

However, right next to the Emperor Star, a glowing star that is sometimes dark and sometimes bright, is faintly moving towards the Emperor Star in the sky.

Although such a speed is extremely difficult to detect with the eyesight of ordinary people, it is easy for the moon god who has the ability of astrology.

"Yinghuo Xuanxi, the east of the empire will be your crisis." Luna said lightly.

"Dongfang?" Ying Zheng frowned, but soon relaxed it again.

"Under Feng Jie's governance, Qi County has far surpassed the Qi State in the past. It echoes the internal history, and even if something goes wrong, there will be no major problems." Ying Zheng said quite confidently.

Moon God shook his head slightly, and said: "Yinghuo is located in the east, and Xinzhu is in the west. Although Yinghuo has not yet reached Xinxing, the light of the emperor star in Xinxing has begun to dim. It is best for you to have confidence, but the astrology is like this. ..."

The words of the Moon God have not been finished.However, the meaning of the warning is already obvious.

Ying Zheng stared at Luna, put away his original self-confidence, nodded solemnly, and said, "I understand."

Luna nodded slightly again, turned and left.

There's only so much she can do.As for what Ying Zheng will do, she will not interfere.

"Come on."

"Your Majesty!" A secret shadow guard knelt down on one knee respectfully behind Ying Zheng, bowing his head and waiting for orders.

"Order Feng Quji to go to Dongjun immediately, and be sure to bring the Yinghuo Stone back to Xianyang. In addition, anyone who comes close to the Yinghuo Stone will be killed without mercy!" After Ying Zheng finished speaking, he took out a token from his cuff , and handed it to the shadow guard.


The secret shadow guard took the token with both hands, and didn't even wonder why Ying Zheng knew the location of the Yinghuo Stone.

As a shadow guard, he knew that his mission was to bring orders to Feng Quji.As for the others, they are not within his scope of thinking.

The Shadow Secret Guard who received the order did not stop at all, just dodged and walked towards the outside of the palace.

However, although the shadow secret guards are all elites, their cultivation base may not be very high.Most of them are just late in the day.

The elite among them, such as the people around Ying Zheng, are generally in the early days of innateness.

Such a person, even though he is above the rivers and lakes, can be considered powerful.However, once you are at the top level, your strength will be insufficient.

Just as he was leaving the palace gate, a pair of dark eyes revealed a little thoughtful look.

This time, the secret shadow guard walked directly through the secret straight road between Qi County and Neishi County.In just one day and one night, he had already arrived in Qi County.

As the right minister, Feng Quji, when he received the order, a gleam of joy appeared in the depths of his eyes.

It has been nearly four years since he stayed in Qi County, and he was far away from the imperial capital Xianyang. His power in the court has been weakened by Li Si a lot.Originally, according to the rules set by Ying Zheng, he had almost a year to pay back the capital.

Therefore, when Feng Quji received Yingzheng's order, he had little to say. That night, he took the five thousand elite soldiers left by Yingzheng and went straight to Dongjun.

Yinghuo Shouxin, along with the meteorite, was completely presented in front of the eyes of the world.There are not a few people who attempt to seize the Stone of Enlightenment.

However, since Ying Zheng had already cleared the entire rivers and lakes, there were almost no people who were really capable of capturing the Stone of Enchantment.

"Qin Zhehu?"

Seeing the somewhat blurred words on the Yinghuo Stone, Ying Zheng's brows knit together.

These three words, without beginning or end, seemed extremely abrupt.Moreover, based on literal guesses, it seems that instead of showing any signs of ominous omen, the Stone of Enchantment seems to point the way forward for the empire.

In front of the Yinghuo Stone, in addition to Yingzheng, there are also important officials such as Feng Quji and Li Si.However, except for Ying Zheng, the rest of the people lowered their heads after glancing at the Yinghuo Stone.

Ying Zheng caressed the Yinghuo Stone in front of him, and there still seemed to be a trace of warmth between his fingers.And the Stone of Confusion seemed to have sensed Ying Zheng's touch.

The three characters written in Qin Zhuan had a slight golden light.However, instead of making the three characters clearer, the golden light made them even more difficult to read.

"********* Others in the court don't know the meaning of the words "Qin Zhe Hu", but how could Ying Zheng not know?

"Could it be that, in the dark, I have already had an influence on the way of heaven?" Ying Zheng couldn't help but think silently.

"This Yinghuo Stone can also reflect the way of heaven!" Ying Zheng put his hand completely on the Yinghuo Stone, and the excitement in his eyes became more and more intense.

"Transport the stone of Yinghuo to the emperor's mausoleum..."

(End of this chapter)

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